Brian, for me, more appealing Indie artists and just a few others I'd actually enjoy. Granted, a lot that I'm not all that excited about but many of your average hipsters would appreciate much more. But, like you, my tastes tend to be much different than the average hipster. I'd love to see the Buffalo Springfield though I don't have a clue if they can deliver it anymore. I know you are a big ageist and wouldn't appreciate them but that's your right. There's just enough there that I'd enjoy seeing just to see them. Not a whole lot I can say that about for Coachella. Now, the Austin Psych Fest is a whole other story. Tons of bands I'd very much love to see. You'd hate them though. All in all, I just started posting this in the other thread because I was excited about The Black Angels and saw a lot of bands listed that I know would go over well with people on this board.
Alison Krauss puts on a very good show. Not someone I'd go out of my way to see but happened to see her once and was very highly impressed.