totally agree with Hutch on this... But you can't keep the Bros and Soccer Moms from hearing that hit live. It's gonna be a great show where 2k "die-fans" will have to put with a whole bunch more "fans" yacking away waiting for the hit, and leaving once it's over. And the Gotye must be a masterpiece as well..
personally i'm waiting for Dry The River to return with their no-hits selfs and listen to a real masterpiece live for the first time. They have played twice at the Black Cat Backstage, once at Iota. Waiting for DC date for Milo Greene as well...
Personally I think this new paradigm where bands explode on the internet and go from playing coffeehouses to arenas in a few weeks is very problematic.. there is no way these bands are going to be able to put on anything remotely resembling a decent performance without having actually put in the sweat and developed their performance and a stage act... People like James Brown or Mick Jagger worked for years to become quality performers. A guy like Elvis developed his stage show over a substantial period at the hayrides etc.. The most disturbing thing is the crowd probably won't even care as live performance sort of went out the window in the 1990s with the "you got to look like you're not trying to entertain people" approach
its a shame that bands no longer really have to earn it the hard way... I remember when bands would play the black cat a few times, graduate to the 930, play that a few times and maybe the lucky ones go up from there... nowadays these fly by night one hit on spotify (whatever that means) acts skip all the paying their dues/learning the ropes... but hey good luck to them and their fans.."