Author Topic: 17 year cicadas  (Read 7048 times)


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17 year cicadas
« on: January 11, 2004, 11:54:00 pm »
They're coming...bleck!!


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2004, 12:10:00 am »
I can't wait....bleh


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2004, 12:13:00 am »
They're already here. They're just sleeping over the Winter. They were singing up a storm all last Summer and early Fall. They don't bother me.


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2004, 12:17:00 am »
Originally posted by Jaguär:
  They're already here. They're just sleeping over the Winter. They were singing up a storm all last Summer and early Fall. They don't bother me.
Not the 17 year Cicadas...... They have been underground feeding on tree roots and the like for the last 16.5 years.
 Anyway, I had been meaning to ask about this for a while. I would love to see them, they are such a freaky phenom. Do they appear in the district? If not where is a good place to go to see them?


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2004, 12:19:00 am »
I'm telling you, they were out buzzing up my neighborhood like crazy all Summer. Saw one or two in Virginia too.
 They're beautiful. They look like super giangantic flies with cool greens and other colors and translucent wings. You will know when you hear them because they are very, very loud. Wait until you hear several of them at once! It's almost like something out of a Hitchcock film. Sort of like The Birds. But don't worry, they are harmless. At least, to people. Their old shells are pretty ugly though.
 Here's some cicada fun for you in the meantime, Markie.
 Okay, I followed my own advice and found out that my cicadas were Summer cicadas. The colors are different. The 17 year guys are brown with orange trim.
 Here's my favorite question and answer from the FAQ page.
 Question: Do cicadas pee, and if so, why? (5/2002)
 Short Answer: Because, like humans, they have to.
 Answer: Courtesy of Les Daniels, author of the Great Lakes Cicada site:
 "I've experienced this several times where I was on the receiving end of this artificial rain. When many cicadas congregate on warm days, they feed on the tree fluids and often urinate 'piss' while doing so. This bug urine is called 'honey dew.' The little buggers have pelted me several times while I was observing a little 'too' close. It isn't uncommon.
 Lastly, the 'honey dew' does not stain, or stink. In fact, it feels like rain drops."


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2004, 12:33:00 am »
Originally posted by mark e smith:
Originally posted by Jaguär:
  They're already here. They're just sleeping over the Winter. They were singing up a storm all last Summer and early Fall. They don't bother me.
Not the 17 year Cicadas...... They have been underground feeding on tree roots and the like for the last 16.5 years.
 Anyway, I had been meaning to ask about this for a while. I would love to see them, they are such a freaky phenom. Do they appear in the district? If not where is a good place to go to see them? [/b]
Be careful what you wish for...


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2004, 12:37:00 am »
Originally posted by Moon Mulllins:
 Be careful what you wish for...  
Yeah, wait until he sees one next to his new mini!     :D


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2004, 12:53:00 am »
Anyone have any Cicada recipes?
 Cicada Crisps
 The ingredients are:
 60 Freshly emerged 17 year Cicadas,
 3 cup Flour,
 2 teaspoons of Salt and pepper
 1 cup of Flour
 4 Eggs
 1 cup Corn oil or slightly salted Butter
 The recipe yield is:
 4 Servings
 The best way to prepare them is to dip them, still alive, in beaten egg, roll them in the seasoned flour and then gently saute them seasoned until they are golden brown, then serve!


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2004, 01:04:00 am »
I saw that the Asians like eating cicadas. But that's no surprise, considering some of the things they like to eat over there.
 According to this chart, Virginia had their season in 2003 and Maryland's is in 2004. One other chart I saw had both Maryland and Virginia in 2004. Guess it all depends on which family decides to have their reunion.


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2004, 01:14:00 am »
That's just wonderful..


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2004, 01:18:00 am »
Sure they are real ugly, too ugly to eat, that is for sure.
 But I would love to see a big swarm of them, its such a shit or bust lifestyle. I find that quuite admirable.
 So, when do they appear, and do we get them in DC? I have seen the non-17 year Cicadas hanging about, but I want to see a swarm.


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2004, 01:31:00 am »
You're close enough to some parks and other treed areas that you should see some. Not too sure about flying swarms though. I can't really remember myself seeing any swarms in flight. What you will notice are the carcasses and old shells all over the place and the living ones hanging out in the trees. The most obvious thing will be their sounds. It's so loud that it may even bother you. At the same time, some people find their songs relaxing. Never-the-less, they are very, very loud.

Sir HC

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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2004, 07:36:00 am »
The best part is places that *had* tons of trees, knocked them out, but the cicadas are still there.  Boom, huge number.
 I was here for the last infestation and can say that suburbia is crazy with them.  Take a nice long bike ride and keep your mouth shut.  They don't fly very well and seem to aim for you...


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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2004, 09:57:00 am »
i'm prepared to be grossed out...i remember them from last time, all over the place..but then i was 8 and enjoyed torturing them by pulling off their wings and legs and heads.  Ugh...

kosmo vinyl

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Re: 17 year cicadas
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2004, 10:34:00 am »
Originally posted by Sir HC:
  The best part is places that *had* tons of trees, knocked them out, but the cicadas are still there.  Boom, huge number.
hmmm sounds a bit like greenbelt...