Author Topic: Why do we need shows like "The Waking Dead" or wool providers?  (Read 1031 times)


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Why do we need shows like "The Waking Dead" or wool providers?
« on: September 30, 2011, 12:36:47 pm »

On one hand, you have the mass hipster pilgramage to douchebag mecca to wait in line and pay $$$ to watch students from Oxford desperately flail around for two hours trying to find a tune or a melody.  They failed.


"Nostalgia on Repeat" by Chuck Klosterman

which is just about the worst, most navel-gazing, self-indulgent, pop culture piece of crap ever written.   Can't we get federal funding to shut down Grantland?  After reading that you simultaneously:

A.)  Have NO idea what he's talking about.
B.)  Yet still, want to bunch him in the face as hard as you can.  Remember, he looks like this:

OR...since it's Friday here's something:

I mean just look at that!  Where's Logan's Run when you need it?  When do Rolling Stone and AARP merge?  It's good they keep up with the hip, innovative music kids are listening to today.  I mean just a few issues ago it was:

