Weather for San Francisco, CA
64°F | °C Fri Sat Sun Mon
Hum: 46% 68° 72° 73° 70°
Oh, it was 70° here today and absolutely beautiful, especially considering that it's the end of October. The past week has been wonderful and even went up to 75° a few days ago.
I was going to go swimming the other day but opted instead to go to the Farmers Market in Berlin since after this month it will be over until next spring. Spent the day there and had a great time.
In the meantime, everything has still been great but leave it to stupid Comcrap to act like the storm has hit already. The Weather Channel, the local Government Access Channel and the Resort Channel have dropped out their video. Even the audio dropped out for a short time about 10 minutes ago. Just what we need! Thank God I have the internet.
Tomorrow will not be fun at work with all of the very concerned people calling and asking us questions that we don't have answers to. It's just those who expect us to have an in with the weather gods as though all has already been written in stone who make it so difficult. It will be busy!
From what I'm hearing (again, no visuals), it's been downgraded but can easily pick up strength as it moves along. Of course, even if the hurricane portion of it dies down by it comes this way, it doesn't mean all will be clear.
Hey Walkie, you might get snow!