Author Topic: Since the gun ban has been reversed...  (Read 124022 times)


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #90 on: June 29, 2008, 04:05:00 am »
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by RatBastard:
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by vansmack:
  Let me write the dissenting opinion for you:
There's only one purpose for a handgun - to kill another human being.
That's all I would say. [/b]
And animals, what about all the bambi murderers. I can understand killing another human because they're threatening you and your loved ones lives, but to sit in a tree in the pissing rain for hours on end to wait for a harmless deer to walk by then blow it's fucking brains out....that my friends, takes a real moron. [/b]
I am NOT into hunting at all.  tried it one time and nada.  I just don't get it.  HOWEVER, in the case of deer hunting it is beneficial to the population to allow hunting.  We all know the details.  No need for me to go into that.
 Another point though, I am not at all supportive of folks who go out hunting just to kill a (fill in animal of choice here) and bring its head home to hang on the wall.  Hunting to feed your family is quite another thing though. [/b]
It's not over-population it's under habitated!! ?? (I think I just made up a new word)
 I hear NY city is getting pretty full so why not pop a few New Yorkers off too to ease that crisis. I don't buy into lets kill em for their own good bullshit, nature takes care of itself. Florida construction has now started to have an effect on the alligator population so they're getting more and more aggressive and territorial so guess what?? They've started to kill them...for their own good. I have an idea..stop building on their land, they were here a long time before we were.
 I know I'm being unrealistic but I can still have my opinions [/b]
So let the deer starve to death and rot providing a great place for disease etc instead of allowing them to be hunted and be used to feed people.  Hmmm...
 As far as the 'stop building on their land' concept, as soon as you raise your house to convert it to animal habitat then there will be at least an iota of credibility your point.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #91 on: June 29, 2008, 08:54:00 am »
My zombie defense system is several crates of disposable 12" records strategically placed through the house. Don't want to find myself having to choose between the gold vinyl Stones Roses or white vinyl Simple Minds during a zombie attack.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #92 on: June 29, 2008, 11:05:00 am »
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
  Isn't the problem with zombies that if you only partially succeed in killing them, they'll replicate?   You at least need an RPG...
all you need to do is kill their brains ... RPGs would blow their bodies apart, leaving mutilated (and alive) zombies all over the place ... you'd also need absurd amounts of bulky ammo for RPGs
 a simply machete would work much better ... a monk's spade is ideal:
   <img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #93 on: June 29, 2008, 10:50:00 pm »
I honestly had no clue so many people planned for a mass zombie attack.  No wonder I like this board so much    :D
 For what it's worth, I agree with thatguy.  Any weapon could potentially prove useless in the wrong situation, though I think a blunt/bladed object, handgun and shotgun combination would serve you pretty well.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #94 on: June 30, 2008, 09:07:00 am »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
 fuckin a man ... if you could pick anywhere in the world to set up a fort, where would it be?  has to be somewhat realistic, like you'd have to be able to get there both to set up shop now, and also be able to get there when the shit hits the fan
That is the question, isn't it? Where to go. The north offers a short-term solution, in that the impending winter will also freeze the ghouls in their tracks. But then you have your own survival to worry about, to keep you alive until spring. And even if you make it that long, the milder temperatures will also thaw out the zombies and you're right back in the middle of it again.
 If you have access to a boat, or someone you trust (or is a wuss) has a boat, that's a solid option. You can pack and supply the vessel at your leisure pre-assault, and once at sea, you're much safer than on land. HOWEVER, a common mistake is thinking that the danger is gone. Zombies continue to roam the ocean's floor, so if you drift into shallow waters, watch out for grasping hands!
 There are actually some good options in the Shenandoahs. The fact that the terrain is mountainous will filter out some of the advancing forces, plus it's woodsy (zombies can't climb trees) and rocky (zombies struggle to climb rocks) so you'll have a couple passive waves of defense.
 There's one place in particular, where a large clump of climbable trees are all in a group, up on a ledge that requires climbing. It doesn't solve the supply problem, but there's no way the shuffling undead could sneak up on you.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #95 on: June 30, 2008, 10:09:00 am »
Originally posted by RatBastard:
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by RatBastard:
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by vansmack:
  Let me write the dissenting opinion for you:
There's only one purpose for a handgun - to kill another human being.
That's all I would say. [/b]
And animals, what about all the bambi murderers. I can understand killing another human because they're threatening you and your loved ones lives, but to sit in a tree in the pissing rain for hours on end to wait for a harmless deer to walk by then blow it's fucking brains out....that my friends, takes a real moron. [/b]
I am NOT into hunting at all.  tried it one time and nada.  I just don't get it.  HOWEVER, in the case of deer hunting it is beneficial to the population to allow hunting.  We all know the details.  No need for me to go into that.
 Another point though, I am not at all supportive of folks who go out hunting just to kill a (fill in animal of choice here) and bring its head home to hang on the wall.  Hunting to feed your family is quite another thing though. [/b]
It's not over-population it's under habitated!! ?? (I think I just made up a new word)
 I hear NY city is getting pretty full so why not pop a few New Yorkers off too to ease that crisis. I don't buy into lets kill em for their own good bullshit, nature takes care of itself. Florida construction has now started to have an effect on the alligator population so they're getting more and more aggressive and territorial so guess what?? They've started to kill them...for their own good. I have an idea..stop building on their land, they were here a long time before we were.
 I know I'm being unrealistic but I can still have my opinions [/b]
So let the deer starve to death and rot providing a great place for disease etc instead of allowing them to be hunted and be used to feed people.  Hmmm...
 As far as the 'stop building on their land' concept, as soon as you raise your house to convert it to animal habitat then there will be at least an iota of credibility your point. [/b]
I think you were too busy being a snide and snippity little ratbastard to read the last comment of my post, but here it is again...
 I know I'm being unrealistic but I can still have my opinions


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #96 on: June 30, 2008, 10:25:00 am »
i say wizards are more valuable during a zombie attack than bullets


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #97 on: June 30, 2008, 12:04:00 pm »
I'm jumping on my surf board and paddling out.  Every seen a Zombie in the water?

Got Haggis?

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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #98 on: June 30, 2008, 12:08:00 pm »
yes.  since they don't breathe, they travel underwater.  if you fall in,  you are fucked.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #99 on: June 30, 2008, 12:51:00 pm »
i'd like to point out that most of the focus here seems to be on the slow, shuffling, romero-type zombies we have all come to know and love.  unfortunately, we must also be prepared for the possibility that danny boyle got it right, and that they are gonna be coming at us much faster than originally thought possible.  these new zombies can also jump and climb and do any number of other things their less evolved cousins can't pull off.  we need to reconsider a lot of what we consider "safe" areas.  
 i think taking to the water and heading for an offshore, man made facility like a drilling rig or even possibly a battleship would be the best bet.  no ground for them to come up through, deep water, built and stocked to live on long term.  
 if that's not possible, i'm sure as hell not telling you where i'm really going.  i'm not sharing my supplies unless you've got something to offer me in return.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #100 on: June 30, 2008, 01:05:00 pm »
Originally posted by thatguy:
  i'd like to point out that most of the focus here seems to be on the slow, shuffling, romero-type zombies we have all come to know and love.  unfortunately, we must also be prepared for the possibility that danny boyle got it right, and that they are gonna be coming at us much faster than originally thought possible.  
Just for the sake of semantics, I would like to point out that Danny Boyle dealt in infectious diseases/conditions -- the antagonists of the 28 Days/Weeks movies are in fact living people (though homicidally inclined), so are susceptible to drowning, starvation, grievous bodily harm.
 Now, Zack Snyder's 2004 take on Dawn of the Dead did introduce the idea of running zombies, and while it made for absolutely thrilling cinema, it does present a revisionist history of the undead. Doesn't discredit the notion, just makes it lower on the priority and credibility scale. I mean, c'mon, who really believes that the walking dead can run.
 Romero himself has taken undue liberties with his own vision. In Land of the Dead, he had zombies playing musical instruments, learning how to use a gun, and organizing under a leader, all of which are impossible.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #101 on: June 30, 2008, 01:07:00 pm »
Originally posted by Got Haggis?:
  yes.  since they don't breathe, they travel underwater.  if you fall in,  you are fucked.
Right, but they don't float.  Stay in water more than 8 feet deep and you're golden.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #102 on: June 30, 2008, 01:09:00 pm »
Originally posted by thatguy:
  i'm not sharing my supplies unless you've got something to offer me in return.
gilbert arenas in a sign and trade, plus conditional draft picks

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #103 on: June 30, 2008, 01:27:00 pm »
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
Originally posted by thatguy:
  i'm not sharing my supplies unless you've got something to offer me in return.
gilbert arenas in a sign and trade, plus conditional draft picks [/b]
I've got Joey Barton to offer who will also work as a bouncer at the club on a 'as needed' basis.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #104 on: June 30, 2008, 03:20:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by Got Haggis?:
  yes.  since they don't breathe, they travel underwater.  if you fall in,  you are fucked.
Right, but they don't float.  Stay in water more than 8 feet deep and you're golden. [/b]
but they can stack on top of each other (like those insane ants in the indiana jones movie)
 and when the zombies attack, i'm definitely hiding behind thatguy