Author Topic: Since the gun ban has been reversed...  (Read 124025 times)


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #60 on: June 27, 2008, 12:23:00 pm »
people will just have to face the facts that more people will die from handguns if they are made legal.  
 I really dont care one way or the other considering criminals are still going to get guns and use them and i am not going to ever own one either way.  I just think the "home invasion" scenario is highly laughable and probably accounts for .004% of all gun related crimes, injuries and deaths.
 if you really think a gun is what you need, you can get one on the black market pretty freakin easily and if the time comes when you are actually put in that situation where someone is pointing a gun at you and you happen to have yours handy and have the willingness to use it and think you can draw, aim and shoot faster than the guy who already has a gun pulled on you...are you really gonna care whether the handgun you have is legal or not?


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #61 on: June 27, 2008, 12:27:00 pm »
my beef with gun fetishists is their general hypocrisy towards the gun issue and (1) related law-and-order issues and (2) other individual right issues
 gun nuts are generally those who push for "law-and-order" types of policies, granting law enforcement agencies more leeway to violate the 4th and 5th Amendment rights of citizens (search/seizure, right to an attorney during interrogation, etc) ... but once the 2nd Amendment is implicated, they suddenly think that the government should back off
 sure, some libertarians have some kind of intellectual integrity by saying the government should protect all of our rights, but your typical wingnut wants to see the government (a) fry criminals (who cares if the cops weren't allowed to search the scum-sucker) and (b) restrict 1st amendment rights, while protecting their precious "right" to keep and bear arms


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #62 on: June 27, 2008, 12:29:00 pm »
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
 if you really think a gun is what you need, you can get one on the black market pretty freakin easily and if the time comes when you are actually put in that situation where someone is pointing a gun at you and you happen to have yours handy and have the willingness to use it and think you can draw, aim and shoot faster than the guy who already has a gun pulled on you...are you really gonna care whether the handgun you have is legal or not?
 please. about I just buy one legally unencumbered by unnecessary laws?


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #63 on: June 27, 2008, 12:32:00 pm »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
  my beef with gun fetishists is their general hypocrisy towards the gun issue and (1) related law-and-order issues and (2) other individual right issues
 gun nuts are generally those who push for "law-and-order" types of policies, granting law enforcement agencies more leeway to violate the 4th and 5th Amendment rights of citizens (search/seizure, right to an attorney during interrogation, etc) ... but once the 2nd Amendment is implicated, they suddenly think that the government should back off
 sure, some libertarians have some kind of intellectual integrity by saying the government should protect all of our rights, but your typical wingnut wants to see the government (a) fry criminals (who cares if the cops weren't allowed to search the scum-sucker) and (b) restrict 1st amendment rights, while protecting their precious "right" to keep and bear arms
Go to a gun range and take an informal poll of whether the people there think it's OK for the authorities to barge into someone's home because of the "war on drugs" or some similar bullshit where people have given up their rights and taken it in the ass because the government has asked them to and promised that it would help fix things, I think you'd be surprised how your theory may be debunked.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #64 on: June 27, 2008, 12:36:00 pm »
two keys to republican success in the last 20 years or so has been hammering democrats on being "soft on crime" and "wanting to take your guns away"
 you don't see those as contradictory?
 you really think the average person who is swayed by a willie horton ad isn't someone sympathetic to the NRA's position on gun rights?


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #65 on: June 27, 2008, 12:45:00 pm »
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
  Go to a gun range and take an informal poll of whether the people there think it's OK for the authorities to barge into someone's home because of the "war on drugs" or some similar bullshit where people have given up their rights and taken it in the ass because the government has asked them to and promised that it would help fix things, I think you'd be surprised how your theory may be debunked.
i agree, the one time i was at a gun range i wasn't exactly doing ideological field research, but i'm sure there were plenty of libertarian types ... i should have reframed my argument as a macro-political look:
 politicians seem to think that the bubbas who get mad at politicians for being "soft on crime" also want them to "keep their hands of my guns"
 is that justified?  i'm sure there's plenty of outliers, but i'm guessing the constituencies are pretty similar


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #66 on: June 27, 2008, 12:53:00 pm »
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
 Go to a gun range and take an informal poll of whether the people there think it's OK for the authorities to barge into someone's home because of the "war on drugs" or some similar bullshit where people have given up their rights and taken it in the ass because the government has asked them to and promised that it would help fix things, I think you'd be surprised how your theory may be debunked.
You'd probably get shot actually.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #67 on: June 27, 2008, 02:03:00 pm »
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
 Go to a gun range and take an informal poll of whether the people there think it's OK for the authorities to barge into someone's home because of the "war on drugs" or some similar bullshit where people have given up their rights and taken it in the ass because the government has asked them to and promised that it would help fix things, I think you'd be surprised how your theory may be debunked.
You'd probably get shot actually. [/b]
Only if I attempted to feel them up while asking   :p


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #68 on: June 27, 2008, 02:13:00 pm »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
  Go to a gun range and take an informal poll of whether the people there think it's OK for the authorities to barge into someone's home because of the "war on drugs" or some similar bullshit where people have given up their rights and taken it in the ass because the government has asked them to and promised that it would help fix things, I think you'd be surprised how your theory may be debunked.
i agree, the one time i was at a gun range i wasn't exactly doing ideological field research, but i'm sure there were plenty of libertarian types ... i should have reframed my argument as a macro-political look:
 politicians seem to think that the bubbas who get mad at politicians for being "soft on crime" also want them to "keep their hands of my guns"
 is that justified?  i'm sure there's plenty of outliers, but i'm guessing the constituencies are pretty similar [/b]
What would you call the lack of any significant punishment for carrying an illegal firearm in DC?  All bullshit political feelgood rhetoric aside I'd personally call it being soft.
 I found this article interesting

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #69 on: June 27, 2008, 05:45:00 pm »
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
 Go to a gun range and take an informal poll
Um, going to a gun range is not really the best place to solicit intelligent thought.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #70 on: June 27, 2008, 05:53:00 pm »
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
 Go to a gun range and take an informal poll
Um, going to a gun range is not really the best place to solicit intelligent thought. [/b]
You slay me with your oh so spot on stereotyping.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #71 on: June 27, 2008, 05:57:00 pm »
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
 Go to a gun range and take an informal poll
Um, going to a gun range is not really the best place to solicit intelligent thought. [/b]
You slay me with your oh so spot on stereotyping. [/b]
i'm just surprised that a pro-gunner is even computer literate enough to converse in one of these here high tech chat rooms!

Firebutt McGee

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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #72 on: June 27, 2008, 05:59:00 pm »
I hate that they've repealed it. Handguns suck.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #73 on: June 27, 2008, 08:47:00 pm »
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by vansmack:
  Let me write the dissenting opinion for you:
There's only one purpose for a handgun - to kill another human being.
That's all I would say. [/b]
And animals, what about all the bambi murderers. I can understand killing another human because they're threatening you and your loved ones lives, but to sit in a tree in the pissing rain for hours on end to wait for a harmless deer to walk by then blow it's fucking brains out....that my friends, takes a real moron. [/b]
I am NOT into hunting at all.  tried it one time and nada.  I just don't get it.  HOWEVER, in the case of deer hunting it is beneficial to the population to allow hunting.  We all know the details.  No need for me to go into that.
 Another point though, I am not at all supportive of folks who go out hunting just to kill a (fill in animal of choice here) and bring its head home to hang on the wall.  Hunting to feed your family is quite another thing though.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #74 on: June 27, 2008, 08:53:00 pm »
Originally posted by nkotb:
  Why does no one shit their pants over having to license and register a car?  Honestly, that seems a lot more "Big Brother" to me than having to license a device made for killing.
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
  It boggles my mind why people appear so ready and willing to bend over for the authorities.
Driving a car is a privilege.
 Owning a firearm is a right.