Confession: I haven't been to the club since he passed. Part of it has been scheduling (the artists haven't been all that good during my trips to DC), but I also used to go to the club regardless of who was playing just to visit him before 2013.
I've been to Duffy's easily 10 times since and I get out of the cab and just stare over there but can't walk over.
I can totally understand that...
yeah I took a long while....I just didn't want to deal with it cause I knew it would suck.. and it did.. but to be fair it probably coincided with a period where there wasn't anything I felt was really must see...
I don't know..its been beaten to death but for me seeing That Guy (I did not know his name was Josh) always made me smile and feel my safety was guaranteed, and more importantly maybe, there would be no bullshit/no hassle/no issues.... it also made me feel welcome when I'd get "the nod"....
for me there is definitely a before and after.. although its hard to separate completely other issues and how they may also impact (aging, less frequency of going to shows, less frequency there are shows I am interested in, etc.)