Author Topic: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion  (Read 1044619 times)

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #255 on: May 19, 2014, 11:27:51 am »
okay, I don't take a shit in the Orioles thread or the soccer thread. We can't just randomly decide that threads aren't about their stated purpose because one asshole doesn't like it, it's chaos. How about I decide just announced should really be about Starbucks and sexual fantasies and University of Michigan athletics? I think Hey Seth shouldnt be about requests for Seth, I think it should be about pruning and topiaries and how to build a greenhouse. How does that sound?

Just because you think some stupid show is prestigious doesn't mean anyone else does.  TV shows are TV shows.  Get over yourself. 
"Prestige television" is not my term. As I've explained in this thread at least once a month, it is an industry-standard term on websites such as AV club or any other place that reviews television. It refers to stylistic dramas with a few exceptions for shows like girls which are highly stylized dramas masquerading as comedies.

I, along with any other person with an IQ above 80, does not want to sit here and read analysis of big bang theory or other extremely broad comedies that - while entertaining - are devoid of any critical thinking. Those are not shows made for critical review or serious discussion of plot points. If you want to start an Idiots Jerking Off Over How Anti-Establishment South Park Is thread of inanities, go ahead.

 Someone cannot go "I think this thread is stupid so I'm going to hijack it because it would be better if it was about ______ instead" and at the same time argue "Just Announced" or some other thread is sacred and we must stay fervently ontopic. It's an intellectual devoid, hypocritical, borderline narcissistic argument. If you don't like this thread, or any thread, don't read it. Start another.

You are an idiot.  You watch a ton of TV that is probably why you are such a moron.  At least on HG TV you can learn something.  I am posting about TV on here because that is what the thread is for television.  You think that Big Bang Theory is less intelligent than some drama because it is on Pay Television?  Ridiculous.  Telling other people they are devoid of humour when you cant bother to watch comedies? Maybe you don't like comedies because you lack any sense of humor.
Did you miss the part in the thread you quoted where I specifically say Big Bang Theory is wildly entertaining? I went to great lengths to explain that it isn't suitable for serious critical analysis -- it has no subtext, we aren't left to wonder what the creator is trying to say, there's minimal character development, etc -- the way a highly literary drama is. That's not a knock on The Big Bang Theory, it's an acknowledgment of it being a different genre with a different standard of success.

Let's discuss the most recent ep of Big Bang Theory, to see how it goes. How about that Sheldon? Isn't his awkwardness humorous in the way it causes him to respond in a way that deviates from social norms? I laughed. What did you think of it, atomic?

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #256 on: May 19, 2014, 11:30:36 am »
I never gave Big Bang Theory a chance because I read that it is more "laugh at nerds" than "laugh with nerds."  Am I missing out? 
Its definitely laughing at nerds, not with nerds. With one exception, the nerdy characters are presented as borderline autistic people who cannot avoid saying any "unusual" thought that comes into their heads.


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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #257 on: May 19, 2014, 11:33:16 am »
okay, I don't take a shit in the Orioles thread or the soccer thread. We can't just randomly decide that threads aren't about their stated purpose because one asshole doesn't like it, it's chaos. How about I decide just announced should really be about Starbucks and sexual fantasies and University of Michigan athletics? I think Hey Seth shouldnt be about requests for Seth, I think it should be about pruning and topiaries and how to build a greenhouse. How does that sound?

Just because you think some stupid show is prestigious doesn't mean anyone else does.  TV shows are TV shows.  Get over yourself. 
"Prestige television" is not my term. As I've explained in this thread at least once a month, it is an industry-standard term on websites such as AV club or any other place that reviews television. It refers to stylistic dramas with a few exceptions for shows like girls which are highly stylized dramas masquerading as comedies.

I, along with any other person with an IQ above 80, does not want to sit here and read analysis of big bang theory or other extremely broad comedies that - while entertaining - are devoid of any critical thinking. Those are not shows made for critical review or serious discussion of plot points. If you want to start an Idiots Jerking Off Over How Anti-Establishment South Park Is thread of inanities, go ahead.

 Someone cannot go "I think this thread is stupid so I'm going to hijack it because it would be better if it was about ______ instead" and at the same time argue "Just Announced" or some other thread is sacred and we must stay fervently ontopic. It's an intellectual devoid, hypocritical, borderline narcissistic argument. If you don't like this thread, or any thread, don't read it. Start another.

You are an idiot.  You watch a ton of TV that is probably why you are such a moron.  At least on HG TV you can learn something.  I am posting about TV on here because that is what the thread is for television.  You think that Big Bang Theory is less intelligent than some drama because it is on Pay Television?  Ridiculous.  Telling other people they are devoid of humour when you cant bother to watch comedies? Maybe you don't like comedies because you lack any sense of humor.
Did you miss the part in the thread you quoted where I specifically say Big Bang Theory is wildly entertaining? I went to great lengths to explain that it isn't suitable for serious critical analysis -- it has no subtext, we aren't left to wonder what the creator is trying to say, there's minimal character development, etc -- the way a highly literary drama is. That's not a knock on The Big Bang Theory, it's an acknowledgment of it being a different genre with a different standard of success.

Let's discuss the most recent ep of Big Bang Theory, to see how it goes. How about that Sheldon? Isn't his awkwardness humorous in the way it causes him to respond in a way that deviates from social norms? I laughed. What did you think of it, atomic?

Of course the characters have developed.  They are all dating people now and have grown as people.  Penny and Leonard deciding to get engaged happened in the last episode.  There is nothing literary about TV.  You might want to look in the book thread for literary.  Do you not read.  Is that why you are trying to make dramas where they show boobs more into art than it is.

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #258 on: May 19, 2014, 11:39:50 am »
You used the words Prestige TV.  What I think is prestigious and what you think is prestigious is different. If you don't like that start a thread with the title boring dramas on Showtime.  And I will know not to open it up or post in it.
Again, it's not my term. It's an industry standard term made up by someone else. The fact you personally don't like the term does not change what it means.

It's like the term "beach fiction". You may personally like to read highly challenging, erudite non-fiction biographies at the beach; that does not change the fact that when the general public uses the term "beach fiction" they're referring to broad, usually short, easy-to-read works of fiction that center on relatable tropes. It doesn't mean what you read at the beach is wrong, or somehow an inferior choice, it simply acknowledges that a term has a generally agreed upon definition.


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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #259 on: May 19, 2014, 11:41:31 am »
I only read Prestige Fiction. 

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #260 on: May 19, 2014, 11:42:10 am »
okay, I don't take a shit in the Orioles thread or the soccer thread. We can't just randomly decide that threads aren't about their stated purpose because one asshole doesn't like it, it's chaos. How about I decide just announced should really be about Starbucks and sexual fantasies and University of Michigan athletics? I think Hey Seth shouldnt be about requests for Seth, I think it should be about pruning and topiaries and how to build a greenhouse. How does that sound?

Just because you think some stupid show is prestigious doesn't mean anyone else does.  TV shows are TV shows.  Get over yourself. 
"Prestige television" is not my term. As I've explained in this thread at least once a month, it is an industry-standard term on websites such as AV club or any other place that reviews television. It refers to stylistic dramas with a few exceptions for shows like girls which are highly stylized dramas masquerading as comedies.

I, along with any other person with an IQ above 80, does not want to sit here and read analysis of big bang theory or other extremely broad comedies that - while entertaining - are devoid of any critical thinking. Those are not shows made for critical review or serious discussion of plot points. If you want to start an Idiots Jerking Off Over How Anti-Establishment South Park Is thread of inanities, go ahead.

 Someone cannot go "I think this thread is stupid so I'm going to hijack it because it would be better if it was about ______ instead" and at the same time argue "Just Announced" or some other thread is sacred and we must stay fervently ontopic. It's an intellectual devoid, hypocritical, borderline narcissistic argument. If you don't like this thread, or any thread, don't read it. Start another.

You are an idiot.  You watch a ton of TV that is probably why you are such a moron.  At least on HG TV you can learn something.  I am posting about TV on here because that is what the thread is for television.  You think that Big Bang Theory is less intelligent than some drama because it is on Pay Television?  Ridiculous.  Telling other people they are devoid of humour when you cant bother to watch comedies? Maybe you don't like comedies because you lack any sense of humor.
Did you miss the part in the thread you quoted where I specifically say Big Bang Theory is wildly entertaining? I went to great lengths to explain that it isn't suitable for serious critical analysis -- it has no subtext, we aren't left to wonder what the creator is trying to say, there's minimal character development, etc -- the way a highly literary drama is. That's not a knock on The Big Bang Theory, it's an acknowledgment of it being a different genre with a different standard of success.

Let's discuss the most recent ep of Big Bang Theory, to see how it goes. How about that Sheldon? Isn't his awkwardness humorous in the way it causes him to respond in a way that deviates from social norms? I laughed. What did you think of it, atomic?

Of course the characters have developed.  They are all dating people now and have grown as people.  Penny and Leonard deciding to get engaged happened in the last episode.  There is nothing literary about TV.  You might want to look in the book thread for literary.  Do you not read.  Is that why you are trying to make dramas where they show boobs more into art than it is.
What show that I watch has regular boob-age? I mean, aside from Girls, and trust me, in Lena Dunham's case, regular nudity is a major deterrent to watching the program.

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #261 on: May 19, 2014, 11:43:32 am »
I only read Prestige Fiction. 
I would be down with a prestige fiction discussion but atomic would argue Dr Seuss is just as prestigious as Franzen or Chabon and the entire thing would get blown up quickly.



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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #262 on: May 19, 2014, 11:44:47 am »
You used the words Prestige TV.  What I think is prestigious and what you think is prestigious is different. If you don't like that start a thread with the title boring dramas on Showtime.  And I will know not to open it up or post in it.
Again, it's not my term. It's an industry standard term made up by someone else. The fact you personally don't like the term does not change what it means.

It's like the term "beach fiction". You may personally like to read highly challenging, erudite non-fiction biographies at the beach; that does not change the fact that when the general public uses the term "beach fiction" they're referring to broad, usually short, easy-to-read works of fiction that center on relatable tropes. It doesn't mean what you read at the beach is wrong, or somehow an inferior choice, it simply acknowledges that a term has a generally agreed upon definition.

When I think of Beach Fiction I think of huge Russian novels like 'War and Peace".  Why do you find the need to label everything into neat little groups?  My wife has never mentioned the term Beach Fiction and she is a librarian.  Open you mind up and stop worrying what other people think about your shows and books.


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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #263 on: May 19, 2014, 11:45:46 am »
I only read Prestige Fiction. 
I would be down with a prestige fiction discussion but atomic would argue Dr Seuss is just as prestigious as Franzen or Chabon and the entire thing would get blown up quickly.

Actually DR Seuss is more presitgious than them.  Do you really not know how highly regarded Dr Seuss is? 

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #264 on: May 19, 2014, 11:48:02 am »
You used the words Prestige TV.  What I think is prestigious and what you think is prestigious is different. If you don't like that start a thread with the title boring dramas on Showtime.  And I will know not to open it up or post in it.
Again, it's not my term. It's an industry standard term made up by someone else. The fact you personally don't like the term does not change what it means.

It's like the term "beach fiction". You may personally like to read highly challenging, erudite non-fiction biographies at the beach; that does not change the fact that when the general public uses the term "beach fiction" they're referring to broad, usually short, easy-to-read works of fiction that center on relatable tropes. It doesn't mean what you read at the beach is wrong, or somehow an inferior choice, it simply acknowledges that a term has a generally agreed upon definition.

When I think of Beach Fiction I think of huge Russian novels like 'War and Peace".  Why do you find the need to label everything into neat little groups?  My wife has never mentioned the term Beach Fiction and she is a librarian.  Open you mind up and stop worrying what other people think about your shows and books.
Go ask your wife if someone comes up to her and requests a recommendation for "beach fiction" or a "beach novel" what type of book she thinks they're requesting. Report back tomorrow.

Your wife has also probably never mentioned 611.12 of the Dewey decimal system to you personally, it doesn't make it not exist. I know it's impossible to believe that something might exist and you not have heard about it.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 11:51:30 am by Julian, Community ORGANIZER »

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #265 on: May 19, 2014, 11:49:58 am »
You used the words Prestige TV.  What I think is prestigious and what you think is prestigious is different. If you don't like that start a thread with the title boring dramas on Showtime.  And I will know not to open it up or post in it.
Again, it's not my term. It's an industry standard term made up by someone else. The fact you personally don't like the term does not change what it means.

It's like the term "beach fiction". You may personally like to read highly challenging, erudite non-fiction biographies at the beach; that does not change the fact that when the general public uses the term "beach fiction" they're referring to broad, usually short, easy-to-read works of fiction that center on relatable tropes. It doesn't mean what you read at the beach is wrong, or somehow an inferior choice, it simply acknowledges that a term has a generally agreed upon definition.

When I think of Beach Fiction I think of huge Russian novels like 'War and Peace".  Why do you find the need to label everything into neat little groups?  My wife has never mentioned the term Beach Fiction and she is a librarian.  Open you mind up and stop worrying what other people think about your shows and books.
I also enjoy Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and the like. It is not, however, what the general public reads at the beach. For every Russian moralist-authored book at the beach this summer, there will be approximately 100. Nicholas Sparks novels. 


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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #266 on: May 19, 2014, 11:57:59 am »
You used the words Prestige TV.  What I think is prestigious and what you think is prestigious is different. If you don't like that start a thread with the title boring dramas on Showtime.  And I will know not to open it up or post in it.
Again, it's not my term. It's an industry standard term made up by someone else. The fact you personally don't like the term does not change what it means.

It's like the term "beach fiction". You may personally like to read highly challenging, erudite non-fiction biographies at the beach; that does not change the fact that when the general public uses the term "beach fiction" they're referring to broad, usually short, easy-to-read works of fiction that center on relatable tropes. It doesn't mean what you read at the beach is wrong, or somehow an inferior choice, it simply acknowledges that a term has a generally agreed upon definition.

When I think of Beach Fiction I think of huge Russian novels like 'War and Peace".  Why do you find the need to label everything into neat little groups?  My wife has never mentioned the term Beach Fiction and she is a librarian.  Open you mind up and stop worrying what other people think about your shows and books.
Go ask your wife if someone comes up to her and requests a recommendation for "beach fiction" or a "beach novel" what type of book she thinks they're requesting. Report back tomorrow.

Your wife has also probably never mentioned 611.12 of the Dewey decimal system to you personally, it doesn't make it not exist. I know it's impossible to believe that something might exist and you not have heard about it.

Libraries don't use the Dewey Decimal system anymore and she has discussed this with me. 

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion
« Reply #267 on: May 19, 2014, 12:07:46 pm »
If the library your wife works at doesn't use the Dewey Decimal system anymore for non-fiction and it's (presumably) located in an English speaking country, it's a major, major outlier.


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I bet Julian drives a Hyundai Genesis Prestige.

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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I bet Julian drives a Hyundai Genesis Prestige.
Close, but no.