overall, cool! but, my grossly uninformed self sez:
new seating: who cares, seats are fine now (maybe this means more than just physically replacing the seats?)
raised main roof: who cares
a new stage: who cares, hasn't been an issue so far
new restrooms: cool
and concessions: i guess this is cool
new artist dressing rooms: who cares (the artists, that's who... but you have 19,000 people in the stands, who are paying, who don't really care. have artists been refusing to perform at MPP because of the dressing rooms?)
and significant environmental upgrades: not sure what these are, but potentially cool.
guess my point is: without additional info, i wonder what those $19M are really being spent on. currently, i'm not convinced that MPP will be $19M better in 5 years... not that my opinion matters.
how about improving roads and parking? those actually affect me. </4_year_old>