I love Fall but the goddamn leaves in the back yard make it impossible to find where the dogs have pooped. Maybe they can be trained to show me where they doodied it.
My wife refuses to pick up any dog poop. She told me "There's dog shit in the back yard, you need to go pick it up."
I went looking for it and promptly stepped in it with my brand new tiny grooved running shoes. Both shoes. First time I had stepped in dog shit in many years and it was my own damn dog. Must have been under some leaves.
Wasn't my wife in part to blame? I mean, if she saw a rusty nail in the yard, would she have left it there and told me to go find it?
A couple of days later the shoes were clean and aired out and I was teleworking so I went on a lunchtime run on my favorite trail. Stepped in dog shit again.