If you're gonna pick a favorite NFL team based on lack of criminal records of the players then you're in the wrong league. How many Ray Rice-type incidents do you think have occurred league-wide? Only one was captured on video.
I'm this close **holds index finger very close to thumb** to abandoning the NFL due to the savages that are employed by the league. The only reason I have an interest at this point as it's not hard to keep up with what's going on. One game a week, short season, etc. If it was like any other major sport, it would've left my interests long ago.
I abandoned it for the following reasons:
1. Absolutely NO SECURITY for the Superbowl celebration at the stadium. I was in the front row, and the aisles completely filled. I was one punch away from getting trampled to death. It was really scary.
2. The NFL does not pay taxes. Read "how the NFL fleeces taxpayers" in the Atlantic.
3. The concussion, health insurance for older players, the domestic violence (yes, I know the MLB has some work to do there too).
4. The whole referee stuff from 2 years ago. JUST PAY THEM. YOU HAVE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
5. Blocking home towns from watching their teams if they don't sell enough tickets to the games.
So yeah...then the Ray Rice thing just sealed the deal for me. Been over it for a while. Don't miss watching it AT ALL.
Still hate Tom Brady though