Author Topic: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.  (Read 66124 times)


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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #121 on: October 02, 2015, 11:36:33 am »
wow went from shallowly objectifying to down right eugenic/final solution

this fat hating has got to have some deep psychological roots with you your mom overweight?

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #122 on: October 02, 2015, 11:42:09 am » your mom overweight?
Don't you ever talk about my mother like that.


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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #123 on: October 02, 2015, 01:19:27 pm »
Doesn't deserve to live

i've wanted to post on those fatpeoplehate forums: at what point should people just give up and kill themselves?  is a BMI of 25.1 grounds for suicide, or is it more like 26?  30?

and really, at a certain point, shouldn't these people have the choice made for them?  i mean, above 35, thin people should take care of business and just off them, no?


Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #124 on: October 02, 2015, 01:24:44 pm »
No, but it's undeniable that that "woman" is using a ridiculous amount of resources, only one of which being food. For us to have a massive starvation problem worldwide and to have selfish hambeasts eating 5-10x the necessary amount of calories they need daily is not just absurd, it's an atrocity. She is, quite literally, taking food out of starving children's mouths.

If a company callously dumped toxic waste somewhere with wanton disregard for others and it led to children's deaths, people would want criminally negligent manslaughter charges brought up. Why not against Sally McButterbean over there as she stuffs a fifteenth Hot Pocket into her diabetes riddled soon-to-be carcass?
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 01:28:37 pm by Julian, Verified SHITLORD »


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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #125 on: October 02, 2015, 01:29:51 pm »
She is, quite literally, taking food out of starving children's mouths.
And we are supposed to believe that you give a shit about starving children?


Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #126 on: October 02, 2015, 01:34:46 pm »
I think anyone over a BMI of 30 should be able to be detained and taken in front of a civil board we construct in municipalities. If they are judged to be obese and not "swole" (after hearing from a doctor and the defendants attorney), they should be indentured into servitude to the person who reported them. This should be closely regulated by local community services boards the same way the treatment of intellectually disabled or elderly people in group homes are to insure no human rights violations. In social workers monthly visits, the person should be monitored to see if their BMI has fallen below 30; when it does so, they are released.

This fixes virtually every ill in American society. The obesity problem goes away. Business can hire bounty hunters (wow, just created a new industry) to find fatties who then become temporary cheap labor, which in turn re-calibrates immigration rates on its own as a simple recourse that migrant workers, while willing to work for cheap, cannot work for free. (This makes America a manufacturing powerhouse on the level of China or Germany within 3 decades.) This also leads to fat people getting fired from their actual (higher paying) jobs which creates a huge number of white-collar jobs cutting our unemployment rolls to the lowest numbers in history. The by-product of less obese people cuts Medicaid and Medicare spending, ensuring the life of both programs for generations.  

Or, we can just tell Sally McButterhuffer over there she's healthy at every size and beautiful just the way she is.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 01:45:22 pm by Julian, Verified SHITLORD »


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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #127 on: October 02, 2015, 05:18:56 pm »
No, but it's undeniable that that "woman" is using a ridiculous amount of resources, only one of which being food. For us to have a massive starvation problem worldwide and to have selfish hambeasts eating 5-10x the necessary amount of calories they need daily is not just absurd, it's an atrocity. She is, quite literally, taking food out of starving children's mouths.

If a company callously dumped toxic waste somewhere with wanton disregard for others and it led to children's deaths, people would want criminally negligent manslaughter charges brought up. Why not against Sally McButterbean over there as she stuffs a fifteenth Hot Pocket into her diabetes riddled soon-to-be carcass?
I think anyone over a BMI of 30 should be able to be detained and taken in front of a civil board we construct in municipalities. If they are judged to be obese and not "swole" (after hearing from a doctor and the defendants attorney), they should be indentured into servitude to the person who reported them. This should be closely regulated by local community services boards the same way the treatment of intellectually disabled or elderly people in group homes are to insure no human rights violations. In social workers monthly visits, the person should be monitored to see if their BMI has fallen below 30; when it does so, they are released.

This fixes virtually every ill in American society. The obesity problem goes away. Business can hire bounty hunters (wow, just created a new industry) to find fatties who then become temporary cheap labor, which in turn re-calibrates immigration rates on its own as a simple recourse that migrant workers, while willing to work for cheap, cannot work for free. (This makes America a manufacturing powerhouse on the level of China or Germany within 3 decades.) This also leads to fat people getting fired from their actual (higher paying) jobs which creates a huge number of white-collar jobs cutting our unemployment rolls to the lowest numbers in history. The by-product of less obese people cuts Medicaid and Medicare spending, ensuring the life of both programs for generations.  

Or, we can just tell Sally McButterhuffer over there she's healthy at every size and beautiful just the way she is.

quoted for posterity, in case jules ever wakes up from this nightmare and decides to edit the record.  comments to follow...


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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #128 on: October 02, 2015, 05:25:41 pm »
For us to have a massive starvation problem worldwide and to have selfish hambeasts eating 5-10x the necessary amount of calories they need daily is not just absurd, it's an atrocity. She is, quite literally, taking food out of starving children's mouths.

as killsaly noted, fat hating has ZERO to do with solving global hunger.  we already produce more food than we can consume.  the problem is economics and distribution.  no one is taking food out of starving children's mouths.  we're not putting any food there, despite our surpluses.

I think anyone over a BMI of 30 should be able to be detained and taken in front of a civil board we construct in municipalities. If they are judged to be obese and not "swole" (after hearing from a doctor and the defendants attorney), they should be indentured into servitude to the person who reported them.

you support slavery, got it.

This fixes virtually every ill in American society.

yes, enslaving the overweight will solve the gun problem, corruption in politics, the blind pursuit of greed at the expense of the environment, the AIDS epidemic, chronic underemployment of marginalized populations, racism, etc etc etc.

Or, we can just tell Sally McButterhuffer over there she's healthy at every size and beautiful just the way she is.

right, because are options are that blank and white.

admittedly, creative thinking isn't exactly the strong suit of fat-haters. 


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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #129 on: October 02, 2015, 06:39:44 pm »
while I hate fat people and believe in fat shaming I am a moderate fat people hater and would like to distance myself a little from the extremist elements in the fat people hater party such as Julian..

Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #130 on: October 02, 2015, 10:30:32 pm »
while I hate fat people and believe in fat shaming I am a moderate fat people hater and would like to distance myself a little from the extremist elements in the fat people hater party such as Julian..
so by that logic, can some one be moderately racist...and that be OK ?



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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #131 on: October 02, 2015, 10:44:25 pm »
This thread, is going places.


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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #132 on: October 03, 2015, 01:40:01 am »
while I hate fat people and believe in fat shaming I am a moderate fat people hater and would like to distance myself a little from the extremist elements in the fat people hater party such as Julian..
so by that logic, can some one be moderately racist...and that be OK ?

umm no.. your "logic" does not lead to that conclusion.... people can't control their skin color but they can control their weight.. except for a very small percentage...usually you can tell who has problems with their glands or what have you...but in the main people are fat because in America people eat too much or eat the wrong foods or a combination.. is it so wrong to say a fat person is destroying themselves and therefore not worthy of much respect? should we accept societal obesity, condone it, heck applaud it?  back to your ill chosen "logic": there is nothing harmful to oneself  about being black or white or yellow or brown or what have you... there is nothing "better" about any one color of skin and even if there were (like say people of one "color" had less chances of diseases not because of their color but because of genes more common to people of that color) one cannot control it..

it is remarkable how in America the entire population seems to have over the past 20 years become obese and yet nobody is to blame....I was struck watching the coverage of the Oregon shooting how every single young woman interviewed - students from the college- where all way overweight....every single one...WTF? it is bad to be it wrong to point it out? it has a cost to the individual and the society... there is an obesity epidemic going on in this country....people need to wake up... getting diabetes ain't something to dismiss as trivial... childhood diabetes due to childhood obesity is no joke...
« Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 01:50:24 am by Hutch »


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Re: ITT, we shallowly objectify other people by discussing their appearance.
« Reply #134 on: October 03, 2015, 10:20:33 am »

this article exemplifies exactly what is wrong with society.... just a bunch of excuses for people putting on weight.. "OH ITS SO HARD!"

I mean geez.. don't take so many prescription drugs.. don't drink so many sugary drinks... I mean accepting that eating meat is so terribly fattening- which I am skeptical about- don't eat so much meat (by the way I find it hard to believe that in 2015 people are eating the same amount of meat as the cited 2000 given how much meat prices have increased... go to any supermarket and you will see the meat section has gotten far smaller....a lot of cuts are no longer even offered..because its so cite an example of increased prices which I have to believe are leading to decreased consumption: less than 10 years a go a pound of 80% ground beef at Trader Joes was $2.49.. .today that same pound is $5.49....)