Author Topic: Landmark Festival  (Read 9778 times)


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Re: Landmark Festival
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2015, 04:12:39 pm »
someone owes someone some show beers in this here thread.


I don't get it... Sidehatch said I only listen to music that came out 20 years ago.. that's bullcrap... and the idea that older musicians can't make good music is ridiculous... in fact experienced musicians are far more likely to make good music than newbies.

A good example is the new Willie Nelson/Merle Haggard.... so Willie and Merle are old as can be, so what? Its a great album

I don't care how old people are.. a great album is a great long the musician has been around doesn't enter into it.. as long as you have an open mind you're fine...

An example would be Ty Stegall... he has this killer 10" thing... rockin' as can be...  I look forward to seeing Fuzz at the Cat...

But sorry if I don't write off New Order because they're "old"....I really don't care how old they are.

If an older artist puts out a bad album.. hey that's just an artist that put out a bad album.. the fact they are older doesn't enter into it... but if you've been listening to someone for decades and enjoying their work why should you stop because they're old?

Moving from flavor of the month to flavor of the month just following the sheeple... there's nothing to takes some individuality and guts to actually listen to what you like and not worry about the fact Willie or Dr. John are old...or what Sidehatch thinks about Dr. John's current performing skills (never mind the fact he was walking in and heard half of his set..)

Dr John can play better than 99% of these newbie bands with one hand tied behind his back... that's a fact.. and I have seen Dr John by the way.. at the Lincoln from the fifth row center so GTFO.

Based on the interactions, I'm not sure who owes who what, but someone owes someone a beer... you may owe sidehutch a beer at this point.

re: Dr. John, I saw him at the Hamilton last year and it was pretty cringe worthy.

Justin Tonation

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Re: Landmark Festival
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2015, 06:01:09 pm »

new order music complete
keith Richards
david Gilmour

Really hitting the cutting edge new music there....

I know....I was getting ready to give him a hard time that the youngest of them are in their mid 50's

And Keef will outlive us all....
😐 🎶


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Re: Landmark Festival
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2015, 01:52:25 pm »
Drove down from Bombadillo in Baltimore to catch Drake on Saturday night, ended up watching Rebirth Brass Band and they were AWESOME!

2nd day got there in time for TV On The Radio, my friend had an extra VIP band so I went and had some beers there. The Miller Lite state side VIP area was FAR superior to the Jefferson stage side, if you just wanted to booze. Free booze, food, a cool viewing area with screens, picnic benches, a cool photo booth to take pics. The VIP area on the Jefferson stage side was just a glorified patio with a tiny 2 person bar and if you weren't on the rail you couldn't see dick AND they wouldn't let you leave that VIP area with booze [the other area did] which is just stupid.

Chromeo was awesome, Red Barat was insanely awesome and Strokes were super fun... although I can do without Julian Casablancas talking about how he doesn't like rock and roll lol.

Then went to see Doomtree at Rock & Roll Hotel! Fun day. Spent a grand total of zero dollars.


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Re: Landmark Festival
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2015, 04:47:41 pm »
finally, somebody, talked about the strokes.