I think this is a perfect time to reiterate that:
1. I hate Gwyneth Paltrow and every movie she was ever in. (except Seven because Brad Pitt and Kevin Spacey were in it, and her decapitation, though not shown, was an added bonus!)
2. Coldplay is just awful. Not only is thier music bland and boring, but i have to listen to Coldplay/Radiohead comparisons forever!!! If one more person says "How can you not like Coldplay if you like Radiohead?" Dude, but a couple CDs please and you tell me!
3. Right Right, two pretty, rich, famous people love each other. very nice. now STFU cause we dont really care.
4. I give Chris Martin about 3 years and he will become an alcoholic and she will leave him and take all his money and then he will hire Michael Douglas to kill her.