Author Topic: My Journey into having no life at 45  (Read 6746 times)

Re: My Journey into having no life at 45
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2016, 03:06:19 pm »

We had planned to go apple picking, but we missed the sign or something and by the time we realized it, it was too far to go back. Oh well, apples at Whole Foods are probably cheaper anyway.
I think I see the source of your navigational error...
So we loaded up the car yesterday and off we went. ...
and had a picnic, complete with some Westbrook Gose...
Then we stopped off at Pen Druid and had some more yummy beers.

Re: My Journey into having no life at 45
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2016, 03:10:05 pm »
maybe I am old school . . . but I feel taking your kid to a brewery, is like taking them to a bar.

but what do I know, I like coldplay.

Really it's not....typically these places are very dog and kid friendly
tend to be older white dudes and their families (who they probably dragged there)
So it's in the breweries best interests to cater to their customers needs

They also typically serve food and is more of a restaurant than a bar
you don't get the bro's chugging natural light pitchers at these types of places

that last statement does invalidate all your credibility

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Re: My Journey into having no life at 45
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2016, 03:25:51 pm »
I also noticed on that trip yesterday hundreds of Trump signs and maybe a half dozen Hillary signs. It seems like Trump is going to win rather handily in VA.


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Re: My Journey into having no life at 45
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2016, 03:33:03 pm »
I also noticed on that trip yesterday hundreds of Trump signs and maybe a half dozen Hillary signs. It seems like Trump is going to win rather handily in VA.

Headline in today's post:

Clinton's Lead in Virginia Widens to 15 Points

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Re: My Journey into having no life at 45
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2016, 03:43:17 pm »
I also noticed on that trip yesterday hundreds of Trump signs and maybe a half dozen Hillary signs. It seems like Trump is going to win rather handily in VA.

Headline in today's post:

Clinton's Lead in Virginia Widens to 15 Points

Yeah, apparently minorities and immigrants breed a lot more frequently than rednecks. Those hillbillies might have a lot of land, but there's just not that many of them out there. Signs don't vote, people do.


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Re: My Journey into having no life at 45
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2016, 06:09:42 pm »
well that Virginia poll is ridiculous... Trump is like at 29... with 15% of people I think not voting for anyone? and I don't know how credible that pollster is..

Hillary will win VA comfortably...I say by at least 5%.. I was looking at the map yesterday.. even if Hillary takes VA, PA, CO and NM-which she will- she still needs NH or FL or OH or IA or NC

so the worst case scenario has her still needing one more state.. that is the bottom line... not bad for a worst case scenario...

Re: My Journey into having no life at 45
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2016, 08:08:13 pm »
Signs don't vote, people do.
that might just be your best quote yet