Do you go to a barber for a shave? I'm trying to figure out why shaving one's beard would be tied to waiting until one is fully vaccinated.
i'm entirely self-groomed. haven't been to a barber in maybe 15 years. the missus is responsible/to blame for my hair, i do the beard.
no, the origin of this desire to shave upon immunity is tied to the fact that i started growing this face-fur when the pandemic started. this is the first time in my entire life i've had a face full of fuzz. i like the look of being clean-shaven, but it's a pain in the ass to keep up. when the office shut down and work-from-home started last year, i stopped shaving. so in my mind, beard = pandemic (aren't you somewhat similar with your hair?). so end of (personal) pandemic = end of beard, logically (at least to my mind). so that's the theory. in practice, i'm still a lazy fuck who can't seem to get it together to fire up the clippers and mow that cheek-grass. but it'll happen. eventually.