Author Topic: Atlantis Lottery Method?  (Read 6612 times)


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Re: Atlantis Lottery Method?
« Reply #30 on: April 06, 2023, 03:55:19 pm »
You can do the fan-to-fan thing...but you can't pick the fan who gets it

d'oh.  hadn't occurred to me that you can't pick who you are transferring them to... makes sense, to thwart scalpers.

in case anyone wants to confirm this, or generally learn about how the fan-to-fan thing will work:

nice touch: tickets will be listed for full price, including fees and taxes - so you'll get 100% of your money back.  i wouldn't have been surprised to hear that TM didn't reimburse fees.  to be fair, they provided you with a service... so, nice of them.  for once.