Author Topic: Before you come visit us in SF...  (Read 19862 times)


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Before you come visit us in SF...
« on: August 16, 2006, 02:55:00 pm »
Many of you have asked about visiting SF, and while I've tried to be helpful, the NY Times has an article today about visiting SF "Frugal Style" I thought would be more helpful then me.  Enjoy.
 And because the Times is registration based and some of you are paranoid:
 August 16, 2006
 The Frugal Traveler
 In San Francisco and Almost Home
 ??Do you have any alcohol pads?? asked the woman on Market Street one crisp, sunny San Francisco afternoon last Wednesday. ??I just got stabbed.? She opened her puffy black jacket to show the bloodstain on her white T-shirt, and looked expectantly at me. I shrugged my shoulders; I hadn??t packed any alcohol pads.
 ??Well then,? she added, ??could you spare some change??
 I didn??t have any, at least not yet ?? just a few foreign coins jangling in my pocket ?? and as I crossed the street, smiling at the clever pitch, I could hear her creaky voice ask the next passerby: ??Do you have any alcohol pads? I just got stabbed ...?
 So began the Frugal Traveler??s reintegration into American society. Ninety-one days after I took off from Newark Airport, seeking low-budget, high adventure on a trip that took me through 3 continents, 17 languages and approximately 900 varieties of dumplings, I had returned home. Well, not quite home; I was in San Francisco for five final days of affordable fun.
 Which did not, on the face of it, promise to be easy. San Francisco is the third most expensive city in the country, where a single restaurant entrée could devour my entire daily food budget. And hotel rooms, when they aren??t sold out, rarely dip below $100 a night. A former girlfriend did invite me to crash at her place, but I wisely declined. For part of this final leg, I was to have a special companion: Jean, the woman who has spent the summer planning our wedding.
 For putting up with my extended absence, Jean deserved something better than a flophouse, a youth hostel or a cardboard box on the brick sidewalk (a disturbingly common sight). And after spending hours in dingy Beijing cybercafes, I finally found a suitable hotel on, a city guide: the Hayes Valley Inn (417 Gough Street;, a tidy-looking Victorian with weekday rates as low as $69 (weekends are $84). Sure, it had shared bathrooms, but the inn said this was ??European-style? ?? a codeword, I would tell Jean, for chic.
 But no deception was necessary. The Hayes Valley Inn turned out to be as clean, bright, and friendly as I??d hoped, with wrought-iron beds, Wi-Fi and free afternoon tea. Better yet, its mini-neighborhood, Hayes Valley, was a cheerful, happening mix of new and old apartments, restaurants and boutiques, yoga studios and bookstores. Compared to horseback riding through the mountains of Kyrgyzstan, it was as exotic as a highway truck stop. Still, I spent my first morning just relishing the surroundings, trying to hold onto a trip that was nearing its end.
 Discombobulated, or maybe just jetlagged, I did what I always do my first day in a new city: I gathered up every local paper, map and pamphlet and found a place to read them, the homey Arlequin cafe. Over a cup of coffee and a buttery Breton cookie, I watched people walk their dogs, chat with neighbors and tell stories that, in their mundane wildness, blew my mind. One woman, done up in a black-and-white houndstooth minidress, lacy black heels and white sunglasses, chirped into her cellphone, ??I??ve gotta remember that I??m not a dude and that I can??t drink that much tequila.? I began to wonder how often I??d missed overhearing such comments in Galicia, Greece or Georgia.
 The next day, I visited the Asian Art Museum and SFMoMA (taking advantage of the $49 CityPass, which includes museum tickets as well as a weeklong Muni pass), then wandered the Mission District, where I took in the Spanish-colonial architecture and defunct movie theaters, browsed the cutesy notebooks at Little Otsu (a bookstore on Valencia Street) and recovered from three months of Mexican-food withdrawal (Taqueria San Jose, at 2830 Mission Street, was my savior). In the evening, I walked back up to Union Square for a free jazz concert and ordered a strong martini at the Hotel Monaco??s Grand Cafe ($7.50).
 After a second drink, I moseyed out of the Grand Cafe and into a city alive with people and lights. All traces of jet lag and discombobulation suddenly vanished, evaporating from my mind like the morning fog off the hills. I was discovering what one reader meant when he wrote, ??It??s embarrassingly easy to have a good time here.?
 It got even easier when Jean arrived. I showed her my favorite new spots in the Mission, then we progressed to the Castro, up through the aptly named Buena Vista Park, and down through the Haight, whose vintage-clothing boutiques captured Jean??s attention. After three months essentially on my own, I wanted to buy her the whole store.
 Alas, the Frugal Traveler is on a budget, so I diverted her attention from shopping the next day by bundling her onto a bus to the Alemany Farmers?? Market, a nest of concrete stalls enlivened with bright murals, where we drooled over the luscious Early Girl tomatoes and polymorphous squash. I teased Jean with some of the recipes I had picked up: Turkish bean stews, Georgian cucumber-walnut salads and pulpo a la gallega.
 From there we hiked up dusty Bernal Hill for what one reader called ??the greatest panoramic view of the city.? She was right. As we ate juicy peaches from the market and gazed out on the bridges, parks, pastel houses and glistening skyscrapers of San Francisco, I silently thanked my readers for their good advice.
 In fact, it was thanks to the exhaustive list of cheap eats that readers posted that we were to able make out like bandits: the grilled pork at Mi Lindo Yucatán was one standout, as was Brothers, a Korean barbecue restaurant where the portions of marinated beef were enormous (bring friends; otherwise you??re paying for leftovers). The local free papers, meanwhile, were great nightlife guides: One postage-stamp ad in the San Francisco Bay Guardian led us to the ??Three Kinds of Stupid? party at Rickshaw Stop back in Hayes Valley (155 Fell Street; 415-861-2011; The cover charge was $8, but well worth the evening of dancing our pants off to French hip-hop, mashed-up Michael Jackson and indie rock at a club so utterly free of pretensions that it had a foosball table on its mezzanine.
 As we ate, drank and made merry, however, I was struck with a strange case of reverse culture shock. Everything I saw reminded me of somewhere else I??d recently been. The pastel Victorian houses evoked the gaily painted apartment complexes of Tirana, Albania. The guitarist strumming outside the 24th Street BART station late one night brought back memories of that busker crooning folk tunes in Zadar, Croatia. And Sunday, when we rented a car from Budget ($43.19), drove up to the Russian River Valley to sample wines, and returned along the Pacific Coast Highway, it recalled all those dramatic, sketchy cliffside roads I??d traversed by bus, and I gained a newfound respect for the underpaid, overstressed drivers who, again and again, managed to deliver me to my destinations alive.
 But I wondered, as Jules Verne??s narrator asked of Phileas T. Fogg at the end of ??Around the World in 80 Days,? what had I really gained by all this trouble? What had I brought back from this long and weary journey? Blisters? Felt slippers from Kyrgyzstan? A $10 lithograph from Venice?
 It??s probably far too early ?? and too ambitious ?? to expect end-of-the-road wisdom from a trip that, at least for me, doesn??t end until I??m sleeping in my own bed. All I know is this: that I??m physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. But I also don??t want this trip to end ?? ever. (Sorry, Jean!) I??m no longer thinking of New York City as home; to me, it's just another layover.
 Next stop: ??Home.????

Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2006, 03:21:00 pm »
No offense to Vansmack and others who choose to live there, because once you get the hang of life somewhere you can always find your fun just about anywhere...but to me, San Francisco is one of the most overrated places to visit that I've ever been to. Anybody else find that to be their case?


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Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2006, 03:57:00 pm »
Originally posted by Weird Little Self Loathing Man:
  No offense to Vansmack and others who choose to live there, because once you get the hang of life somewhere you can always find your fun just about anywhere...but to me, San Francisco is one of the most overrated places to visit that I've ever been to. Anybody else find that to be their case?
No offense taken.  You wouldn't live up to your name (self loathing man) if you didn't talk about how something that you did was so awful.
 And right now, with the Dollar getting crushed by the Pound, I would say that anywhere in Enlgand is exceptionally overrated right now.  Whatever it is you want to see, it will still be there when the currencies even out.  It's just not worth it right now.


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Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2006, 04:02:00 pm »
San Franscisco ain't no Disney World that's for sure.


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Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2006, 04:12:00 pm »
If SF is overrated, I am sure that NYC is overrated as well. Although I am living in NYC at the moment, I'd gladly go back to SF in a heartbeat. The people of SF make up the city, and for me they are some of the friendliest people around. At a concert knowing no one, I ended up having the time of my life with complete strangers who were so open, warm and lovely. Cant say I've had the same experiences in NY and DC.
 Must be the water!  :)

Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2006, 04:22:00 pm »
I'd much rather visit NYC than San Francisco, or London for that matter. I just love the NYC vibe, though I wouldn't want it on a daily basis. Three times in SF and two times in London (including living there for a summer) are enough for me.
 That being said, if I were from somewhere else, I would never, ever bother to visit DC, and would go to SF at least once....though I'm happy enough living here.


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Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2006, 04:23:00 pm »
everywhere and everything is vastly overrated
 except reston. totally UNDERrated

Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2006, 04:28:00 pm »
and I'll take a visit to NYC, Montreal, Toronto, or Seattle over SF anyday.
Originally posted by Weird Little Self Loathing Man:
  I'd much rather visit NYC than San Francisco, or London for that matter. I just love the NYC vibe, though I wouldn't want it on a daily basis. Three times in SF and two times in London (including living there for a summer) are enough for me.
 That being said, if I were from somewhere else, I would never, ever bother to visit DC, and would go to SF at least once....though I'm happy enough living here.


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Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2006, 04:52:00 pm »
the fact that rhett dislikes sf makes me want to visit. is there a place that i can enjoy a newcastle/wigan match while indulging in bangers and breakfast beers in your fair city?

Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2006, 05:03:00 pm »
Go right ahead. Just remember to hold your nose to avoid the everywhere smell of piss, remember to step over all of the homeless people they seem to have imported from NYC (I heard other cities put their homeless people on Greyhounds headed for SF), and remember to bring your brass knuckles to fend off the world's most aggressive panhandlers. Of course, if you're looking to hang out with some really groovy people, you could always head over to Golden Gate Park.
 The night before we arrived, someone managed to break into the hotel room of another guest of the hotel we stayed at and stab the poor old guy multiple time.
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  the fact that rhett dislikes sf makes me want to visit. is there a place that i can enjoy a newcastle/wigan match while indulging in bangers and breakfast beers in your fair city?


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Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2006, 05:15:00 pm »
Originally posted by Weird Little Self Loathing Man:
  The night before we arrived, someone managed to break into the hotel room of another guest of the hotel we stayed at and stab the poor old guy multiple time.
That's what you get for staying at the Ramada on Market.


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Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2006, 05:16:00 pm »
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
 is there a place that i can enjoy a newcastle/wigan match while indulging in bangers and breakfast beers in your fair city?
Besides my apartment?


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Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2006, 05:21:00 pm »
I've been to San Francisco about a dozen times, and I adore that city.  Great people, great walking city (a rare find in CA), great arts & music.  And lots within a drive's range to take advantage of -- the coast, mountains, wine country.
 Being on the West Coast it's a tad too far from my family and friends for me to want to move there.  Plus it's so insanely expensive to live.  But, as a city, I think it's absolutely top rate.  Very reminiscent of Sydney and Cape Town (though those cities have beaches, which do add a hell of a lot to the possibilities, but also have great day trips for wine country, mountains, coastland).

Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2006, 05:22:00 pm »
Do you have any better hotel location recommendations for under $100/night?
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by Weird Little Self Loathing Man:
  The night before we arrived, someone managed to break into the hotel room of another guest of the hotel we stayed at and stab the poor old guy multiple time.
That's what you get for staying at the Ramada on Market. [/b]


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Re: Before you come visit us in SF...
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2006, 05:25:00 pm »
Originally posted by Weird Little Self Loathing Man:
  Do you have any better hotel location recommendations for under $100/night?
It's a major metropolitan city.  Any hotel recommendations under $100/night in DC, Chicago or NYC?  Every once in a while you can get a room at Jury's on Dupont for $119 -- internet special.  But those are rarer and rarer these days...