Author Topic: Lollapaschedule  (Read 2802 times)


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2005, 07:52:00 pm »
Primus has been added, along with a few others


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2005, 08:23:00 pm »
I think this  article is pretty damn spot on....Could be 'cuz I'm old.    ;)  
 I Hate Summer Concerts. So Should You.
 words: Phoebe Assenza
 photos: Steve Hopson
  It??s early June, summer is all-up-on us, and obsessive fans of live music like yourself, dear Loose reader, can look forward to all those amazing outdoor summer festivals, right?
 ?Not so much.
 After the cancellation of the Lollapalooza tour, the botched Woodstock that turned into a fiery, riot-y, rape-a-thon, and the failed Field Day, huge ensemble rock shows are disappearing faster than you can say ??arrests at Ozzfest.? One of the few exceptions is the Vans Warped Tour, which no one over the age of seventeen-and-a-half would attend. This year??s Warped Tour also bears the unintentionally humorous slogan, ??The Tour That Won??t Die.? I??m not so sure a tour that can only boast its mere existence is worth the 50 bucks to get in. My great-gramma ??wouldn??t die? for almost a hundred years, but that doesn??t mean hanging with her was a blast.
 The summer rock festival phenomenon is nearly dead, and I couldn??t be happier about it. It??s a relief, but that??s not for lack of enjoying the rock, or not being a fan of more than one band at a time, or an aversion the sun. It??s only because, like Nelly with Tim McGraw, these elements can??t mix without creating something baffling and nauseating. All-day rock shows are totally over-hyped and overloaded. If you??ve attended your share of Lollapaloozas, Coachellas, or any other Big Days Out, you??ve probably noticed they all tend to go the same way.
 The day starts full of hope and promise. You??re hydrated, caffeinated, and have a full bottle of Coppertone in your girlfriend??s overstuffed satchel, which she??s stuck carrying all day (sucker!). You??ve made it through the entrance line and security check?And now it??s time to rage!
 The next six hours will consist of watching bands like The Fucktards. They??re on Goatfuck Records, and you??ve seen their video on a Tuesday at 4 o??clock in the morning when you had insomnia. When you grow tired of hopping from stage to stage to catch every B-level act (to feel justified in spending the exorbitant ticket fee), you hit the port-o-potty you??ve been avoiding all day after having thrown back all those expensive Budweisers and frozen lemonades. You wait in line for three years to relieve yourself in something that??s so gross and disturbing it looks like it came from Seven, (the creepiest movie ever made).
 Only two more hours ??til sundown, and you??re huddled under the shade of a sapling that 25 other people found as well. You??re a bit burned out, full of fried food, and look kind of red and sad.
 Then you have this thought. You dare not say it out aloud, for fear your friends would think you??re dropping sad-bombs on their fun in the sun.
 ??We should have just skipped the day and come for the headliner. That??s all I really wanted to see anyway?I can??t believe I paid so much for this day-long suckjob...?
 You are perfectly right to think this! It may seem crazy, but seeing every band you??ve ever heard of, all playing on the same bill, in 563 degree heat, for 300 dollars is just grueling if you don??t have the wide-eyed glee of a teenager who bought a new outfit at Hot Topic just for the occasion. In fact, putting all those bands together on one bill is an evil trick that concert promoters play on loyal fans like you because they know you??d feel guilty and left-out if you didn??t travel to Chicago to see Weezer, The Pixies, Death Cab For Cutie, and The Arcade Fire.
 Let me assure you, you??re better off seeing each of these bands individually when they stop in your town and play at The Well-Ventilated Theatre, or Cushy-Seat Plaza. It??ll be much more fun, the band will play a longer set, and they will be totally-fucking-on because it??s THEIR show, in a proper venue. They??re not forced to stand in the merciless sunlight and sweltering heat, shamefully exposing their pasty white indie-rock limbs, and basically bumming out all over an outdoor stage that??s much too big for them anyway.
 Here??s an anecdote: When I was 19, my favorite bands were Sonic Youth, Sleater-Kinney, and Superchunk, and in what I interpreted as a glorious act of Allah, they all played together at a ranch in Orange County on the 4th of July. I peed myself repeatedly, until I arrived at the show and watched every single band complain about how fucking hot it was when they took the stage and play shitty sets. It turned out to be the worst show I had been to yet, and I realized even though the line-up was my musical equivalent to the amazing salad bar at Sizzler, the acoustics of a large field are not that good and the sheer discomfort of all other aspects of the day cancels out the awesomeness. Plus, you invariably have some dude made out of dreadlocks and hemp writhing around shirtless and whipping his sweat at everyone like it??s not totally disgusting. He shows up at every outdoor show no matter who??s playing, and you don??t want to deal with that.
 So, if you feel you??ve graduated the ranks of perspiring masses, yet your mouse is still hovering over that ??Buy Tickets Now? button, just remember you??re actually purchasing an expensive and time consuming reminder of why last year you vouched to not go back.


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2005, 08:30:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bags:
  I think this  article is pretty damn spot on....Could be 'cuz I'm old.     ;)  
 I Hate Summer Concerts. So Should You.
 words: Phoebe Assenza
 photos: Steve Hopson
  It??s early June, summer is all-up-on us, and obsessive fans of live music like yourself, dear Loose reader, can look forward to all those amazing outdoor summer festivals, right?
 ?Not so much.
 After the cancellation of the Lollapalooza tour, the botched Woodstock that turned into a fiery, riot-y, rape-a-thon, and the failed Field Day, huge ensemble rock shows are disappearing faster than you can say ??arrests at Ozzfest.? One of the few exceptions is the Vans Warped Tour, which no one over the age of seventeen-and-a-half would attend. This year??s Warped Tour also bears the unintentionally humorous slogan, ??The Tour That Won??t Die.? I??m not so sure a tour that can only boast its mere existence is worth the 50 bucks to get in. My great-gramma ??wouldn??t die? for almost a hundred years, but that doesn??t mean hanging with her was a blast.
 The summer rock festival phenomenon is nearly dead, and I couldn??t be happier about it. It??s a relief, but that??s not for lack of enjoying the rock, or not being a fan of more than one band at a time, or an aversion the sun. It??s only because, like Nelly with Tim McGraw, these elements can??t mix without creating something baffling and nauseating. All-day rock shows are totally over-hyped and overloaded. If you??ve attended your share of Lollapaloozas, Coachellas, or any other Big Days Out, you??ve probably noticed they all tend to go the same way.
 The day starts full of hope and promise. You??re hydrated, caffeinated, and have a full bottle of Coppertone in your girlfriend??s overstuffed satchel, which she??s stuck carrying all day (sucker!). You??ve made it through the entrance line and security check?And now it??s time to rage!
 The next six hours will consist of watching bands like The Fucktards. They??re on Goatfuck Records, and you??ve seen their video on a Tuesday at 4 o??clock in the morning when you had insomnia. When you grow tired of hopping from stage to stage to catch every B-level act (to feel justified in spending the exorbitant ticket fee), you hit the port-o-potty you??ve been avoiding all day after having thrown back all those expensive Budweisers and frozen lemonades. You wait in line for three years to relieve yourself in something that??s so gross and disturbing it looks like it came from Seven, (the creepiest movie ever made).
 Only two more hours ??til sundown, and you??re huddled under the shade of a sapling that 25 other people found as well. You??re a bit burned out, full of fried food, and look kind of red and sad.
 Then you have this thought. You dare not say it out aloud, for fear your friends would think you??re dropping sad-bombs on their fun in the sun.
 ??We should have just skipped the day and come for the headliner. That??s all I really wanted to see anyway?I can??t believe I paid so much for this day-long suckjob...?
 You are perfectly right to think this! It may seem crazy, but seeing every band you??ve ever heard of, all playing on the same bill, in 563 degree heat, for 300 dollars is just grueling if you don??t have the wide-eyed glee of a teenager who bought a new outfit at Hot Topic just for the occasion. In fact, putting all those bands together on one bill is an evil trick that concert promoters play on loyal fans like you because they know you??d feel guilty and left-out if you didn??t travel to Chicago to see Weezer, The Pixies, Death Cab For Cutie, and The Arcade Fire.
 Let me assure you, you??re better off seeing each of these bands individually when they stop in your town and play at The Well-Ventilated Theatre, or Cushy-Seat Plaza. It??ll be much more fun, the band will play a longer set, and they will be totally-fucking-on because it??s THEIR show, in a proper venue. They??re not forced to stand in the merciless sunlight and sweltering heat, shamefully exposing their pasty white indie-rock limbs, and basically bumming out all over an outdoor stage that??s much too big for them anyway.
 Here??s an anecdote: When I was 19, my favorite bands were Sonic Youth, Sleater-Kinney, and Superchunk, and in what I interpreted as a glorious act of Allah, they all played together at a ranch in Orange County on the 4th of July. I peed myself repeatedly, until I arrived at the show and watched every single band complain about how fucking hot it was when they took the stage and play shitty sets. It turned out to be the worst show I had been to yet, and I realized even though the line-up was my musical equivalent to the amazing salad bar at Sizzler, the acoustics of a large field are not that good and the sheer discomfort of all other aspects of the day cancels out the awesomeness. Plus, you invariably have some dude made out of dreadlocks and hemp writhing around shirtless and whipping his sweat at everyone like it??s not totally disgusting. He shows up at every outdoor show no matter who??s playing, and you don??t want to deal with that.
 So, if you feel you??ve graduated the ranks of perspiring masses, yet your mouse is still hovering over that ??Buy Tickets Now? button, just remember you??re actually purchasing an expensive and time consuming reminder of why last year you vouched to not go back.
events such as bonnaboob, 10000 lakes, hookaville (not really summer), the all good festival, and others such as these, which represent the good vibe, earth hippie momma stance, are prime examples of why summer shindigs rule the green planet.


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2005, 09:35:00 am »
i'm so glad you posted that story, Bags.  I literally was starting to price flights to chicago for this-- mostly because i was in China when Arcade Fire was in town.  But no, I'll wait.


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2005, 09:46:00 am »
WOW! Articles like this make me feel so youthful!!  yay! and a just a few weeks before my birthday i need to feel young again.
    :)   I hope i have a few more years left in me where running around from stage to stage in the beating sun, pounding down $5 beers is still what i consider "a fucking blast"!
   that said, I am not going to Lolla....saving for ACL (wont be able to afford that either, but I will try!)


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2005, 10:03:00 am »
I can't agree with the statement that the rock festival is nearly dead. It seems to be making a huge comeback. Festivals like Coachella and ACL getting national exposure, new, smaller ones popping up ever year. The touring "festivals" may have issues, but the weekend long, one stop shows are huge now.


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2005, 10:09:00 am »
I agree.  Coachella is definitely a success as is ACL and Bonnaroo. When you think to the festivals in Europe thats what they all are, one off weekends.
  I am sure if you read into it, there have probably been numerous summer festivals in Europe and around the world that have failed, been cancelled, had terrible things happen or just plain sucked. its just the great ones we hear about. and they didnt all happen at once.  Hopefully within the next 5 years, the East coast will have a Coachella-type show and who knows, maybe another couple ones may show up.


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2005, 10:16:00 am »
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
  Hopefully within the next 5 years, the East coast will have a Coachella-type show and who knows, maybe another couple ones may show up.
You mean like the fabled Field Day festival?  Yeah, that was real great...  :roll:


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2005, 10:20:00 am »
Originally posted by chimbly sweep:
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
  Hopefully within the next 5 years, the East coast will have a Coachella-type show and who knows, maybe another couple ones may show up.
You mean like the fabled Field Day festival?  Yeah, that was real great...    :)
 besides, I only wanted to see Radiohead and i saved a lot of money by not having to get a hotel in Long Island!


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2005, 10:23:00 am »
I don't recall the details, but wasn't Field Day canceled because the town pulled the permit at the last minute, like a week before the show?


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2005, 10:25:00 am »
Originally posted by BrnAgnTaper:
  I don't recall the details, but wasn't Field Day canceled because the town pulled the permit at the last minute, like a week before the show?
yeah, and it will never be completely known whos fault it was.  but knowing the people who live out in that part of NY, i wouldnt blame the promoter (Dreskin) quite so fast, those people are rich snotty assholes that dont give 2 fucks about a concert, and care more about thier hummingbirds or whatever than "boosting the economy" of thier area


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2005, 10:29:00 am »
The bonnaroo folks had similar issues at the same spot trying to do Bonnaroo NE, right?


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2005, 10:43:00 am »
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
 knowing the people who live out in that part of NY, i wouldnt blame the promoter (Dreskin) quite so fast, those people are rich snotty assholes that dont give 2 fucks about a concert, and care more about thier hummingbirds or whatever than "boosting the economy" of thier area
Tell me -- the same folks want oodles of elecrtricity to power their automatic window shades, a computer in every room and a climate-controlled garage for the lexus, but you CANNOT put electricity or natural gas transmission faciliites ANYWHERE around their beautiful town.  Okay, then give up the climate-controlled garage, asswipe.


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Re: Lollapaschedule
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2005, 12:15:00 pm »
weren't people complaining on the coachella thread that this article's basic premise that "the bands will be better in individual shows instead of a huge smorgasborg" was "flat-out wrong" and "not even arguable"?