"I'm wearing the hippest stuff, man"
I try real hard not to say man at the end of sentences, man.
": I've got my Von Dutch t-shirt,"
Crap. They already have that shite at Filennes basement. So passe and just a good logo, nothing else.
"my Diesel jeans"
Oh I do have 4 pairs of them
", and that day-glow orange Rocky and Bullwinkle trucker cap from Urban Outfitters"
No trucker caps, or headwear of any kind for me. (Makes my chins look bigger)
". As far as shoes go, only Pumas,"
I normally wear some type of black boot. I hate pumas. If i am going to wear comfy shoes I want to be sure they have been made in a sweatshop. I buy nike.
but I subscribe to that school that a real man shouldn't be that interested in shoes. Only metrosexuals care about shoes.
I sentence about shoes, but he doesnt care about them? this sound more like mark e balls, than mark e smith.