I wish I could make it down for this show.
They were my favorite in Austin last week.
One critic had this description:
TV on the Radio fuses soul and power pop the way stars fuse atoms. Live, they explode, a barely tamed Pixies fronted by Al Green
I was expecting them to be funky and eclectic like the records, but was pleasantly surprised by the way they rocked. The guitar player - who looks and acts much like Greg Dulli getting his groove on - creates a wall of noise that is much louder than on record. The percussion is also more prominent. Both making the songs seem much more complete to me. Young Liars & Staring @ the Sun were so good.
They played a short set, as all do there, and focused primarily on the EP...which I think is brilliant and better than the full length. It'll be interesting to see how the new songs hold up live.