Originally posted by kosmo:
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by kosmo:
Nominee Number One
The wingnut in Florida trying to draw attention tp his craptastic country song using 9/11 imagery.
I love this quote from the guy that is erecting these ridiculous billboards:
"I believe 9/11 could have been prevented if we'd had a Republican president at the time," Meehan said Wednesday on CNN's "American Morning." [/b]
this is the exact quote that SIR HC pointed out yesterday in the quote of the year thread. in typical wing nut revisionist history it's actually Clinton's fault that tragic event took place place and Bush gets a pass because he was only in office nine months at the time. [/b]
I have always thought that the terrorists obviously had planned this attack before bush was elected, however, decided not to carry it out on Clinton's watch because their goal was to get a big fat brutal military retalliation from it and Clinton was just not going to start a war....no matter what happened.
If 911 happened on Clinton's watch, he wouldnt have known about it for days and Gore would have simply denounced it "a blatant misuse of fossil fuels"