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Obama T-Shirt Sparks Assault, Lawsuit
The designer pictured wearing the shirt. Photo by Fashion Indie
Posted July 17, 2008 Subscribe to our news feed!
A 25-year-old New York City graduate student is threatening to sue a T-Shirt designer after being assaulted for wearing one of his designs.
The woman bought a $69 shirt from Apollo Braun's Manhattan boutique that bore the words, "Obama is my slave." When she wore the shirt on Tuesday, four teenage girls accosted her - shoving her, pulling out her earphones, and spitting in her face, according to the New York edition of Metro News. The unnamed woman is reportedly seeking solace by suing Braun - born Doron Braunshtein - for "all he's got," the designer claims. He, of course, is shirking any responsibility for the incident and says that the shirt reflects the views of "ordinary WASPs.
??For a lot of people, when they see Obama, they see a slave. People think America is not ready for a black president,? the Israeli-born designer said.
??I can??t stand Obama,? Braun says, but claims that it's not because the candidate is black. ??That??s the only thing I like about him. He opens the door for other minorities.?
??He reminds me of Adolf Hitler,? Braun explained, adding he does not like the Illinois senator because ??he is a Muslim? ?? a myth that Obama apparently cannot escape.
The designer has sold several other anti-Obama styles from his boutique, including shirts with slogans such as ??Jews Against Obama,? ??Obama = Hitler? and ??Who Killed Obama??