Look, I'm under no assumption that being killed for another person's meal is a kind and gentle way to go, no matter how the death is implemented. And if I had the choice between being a meal for a shark or not, I'd choose not like every other creature out there.
But there is a vast difference between putting an animal down in order for me to eat and torturing them BEFORE putting them down for me to eat. So what if the overall reason isn't the animal's well-being; they still win out in some regard, don't they?
And I'm with Rhett; what's the harm in not wanting to run some animals through the hell for our enjoyment? If it was taking food out of the mouth of the poor, then I'd find it a bit ridiculous. But for the enjoyment of those that are already well-off? That's a no brainer.
Originally posted by Jaguar:
Originally posted by nkotb:
I'd be more in favor of a veal and foie gras ban than of trans-fats. It's my decision to each trans-fats or not; it's not a duck's decision to be force-fed for my enjoyment.
To me, it's more halting cruelty than of telling you what you can and cannot eat. But then again, I have a soul
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
since some of you seem to think this trans-fat ban in NYC is a good thing, are you aware that now they are trying to ban foie gras here as well? yes, i know it took place in chicago, but where/when is NYC going to stop. i guess veal should be next.
Except, I don't think the cruelty factor has a damn thing to do with it. (Unless the ban is more involved than I realised.)
Do gooders love it because it makes them feel oh so self-satisfingly righteous and the politicians love it because they just end up turning it into a tax which pulls in more money.
I'm not really sure how all of this is playing out but it seems that when they have to allow the sale, they'll just tax it. That way, the elite can still have their delicacies while the less well off just settle for liverwurst. Is that really any better for you? Don't know but I doubt it. You still need food though, in some form. [/b]