Regarding the restaurant labeling, I am dead set against that. It's just absurd! It's nice when one chooses to include some info for others, but they should not be required to hire a damned chemist for every little thing on the menu! People need to learn to take a little responsibility on their own. Christ, drink a glass of red wine and chill out a bit.
Yes, I'm for the smoking ban because that does directly affect others while it is happening. Food choices don't. And don't give me the crap about medical bills because we could give you a load of other things that mount up those bills like sitting hours in traffic breathing their polluted truck air or consuming all that flouride in the water, being bombarded by cell phone and other waves, etc, etc..
This is yet another perfect example of what happens when we allow politicians to enact certain kinds of laws. The only thing they know how to do is whore themselves out and nothing whatsoever about immensely important issues that take professionals years of study and research to know their specific field. Even then, there are still lots of questions left unanswered. But God forbid the professional have a say regarding any of these things! :roll: It's all money and votes.