Originally posted by very sonick:
while it doesnt say "devil" it does mention tattoos....
Leviticus 19.28
??Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves,?
this is not directed at sonick. this is one of my peeves. if you're going to do something like quote the bible to make a point, at least do it right. if someone had said that the bible says "god hates gays," i'm sure that mr. chip on his shoulder would've freaked out. this is my minor freak out.
1. the word tattoo is not likely an accurate translation. it's probably more like: "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." KJV. LEV 19:28.
a heathen custom of the time was to make deep cuts into the flesh in a time of mourning, to honor the dead. there was also a common practice inking or painting (much like henna) or using hot irons to create floral and other designs that were often used to honor "false idols." this is not the same thing as tattooing.
B. there is no mention of the devil whatsoever.
c. the verse before this one says that you can't cut your hair or trim your beard in a specific manner, and the one after says that you shouldn't let your daughter be a whore, lest the land fall to whoredom and wickedness. there are also rules about what you can eat, and when, and how to make a proper sacrifice, and what to wear.
these laws were designed to keep people from taking on the religious customs of the surrounding groups. even if it does mean don't get tattooed, which is debatable, it means don't get tattooed in the religious context of the surrounding tribes. just like it doesn't mean you can't cut your hair or your beard, but rather that you shouldn't cut your hair in the specific manner that the priests of the surrounding tribes did.
IV. leviticus is the old laws. it's wiped out by the new testament, if you believe such things.
i could go on, but it's late.