Let's be clear, I have the same reaction to: Meth, Heroin, PCP, Crack, bathsalts, Oyx and all it's derivatives
What I'm OK with: Mushrooms, MDMA (lots of issues with fake/impure stuff to make me cautious on this one) Mescaline, DMT
I don't do Coke, but I've never been like "I won't be friends with that person because they do coke"
"or don't come to my party and do coke"
So not sure if this is in ref to me?
… then someone who also liked coke introduced it - some tried and liked it-and the circle literally blew up and it was all the fault of the damn potheads who thought it was all the fault of the coke users... a lot of them just couldn’t handle it..couldn’t deal… so immature …”how dare you use that illegal drug, we must only use THIS illegal drug!”
Now I can see a few of the potheads in the crew being like that...but on the whole, the coke users self deported and pretty much decided they were going to have their own get-togethers and became very exclusive
and let's be honest, unless you are doing coke, its absolutely ZERO fun to be around those doing coke...it's just such a weird vibe and it's all about doing more coke
Do it all you want, don't ask me for money or advice on the topic tho
I've seen it ruin people