Author Topic: Note to DC9...  (Read 3694 times)


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Note to DC9...
« on: June 01, 2004, 08:16:00 am »
So, my friends and I showed up at DC9 on Sunday around 9pm, just looking for a drink-- no dancing, no DJ, just a drink.  We like DC9-- it's a niceish place and has a great jukebox... it's somewhere we like to randomly go just to drink.
 The place was completely empty.  The bouncer (the guy we always see there) checks our IDs, and then asks for a $10 cover.  Again, the place is completely empty, there's nothing going on yet, and the bouncer actually had to ask someone "are we open yet?"
 We point this out, but there's no negotiating.  $10, or go elsewhere.  So we went elsewhere.
 OK, note to DC9:
 1.  Please do not charge a cover when there is nobody there yet.  You'll find it somewhat tough to get the first person through the door.
 2.  Please do not charge a cover for downstairs.  Some of us just want a place to drink, and it's not like your drinks are particularly affordable to start with.
 3.  Please do not charge a cover before anything even comes close to starting-- i.e. if the show isn't on for two hours, don't try to get the cover...
 4.  Please realize that some of us want you to succeed, but it's hard to feel that way when we can't even have a drink at your empty bar without paying you $10 to get in.

Random Citizen

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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2004, 08:54:00 am »
You may want to post that on DC 9's message board.


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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2004, 09:50:00 am »
This DC9 place is not the only bar in DC guilty of such greed/short sightedness/stupidity.
 I absolutely refuse point blank to pay any kind of cover to simply go in a bar for a beer.....what are they thinking? Pay to go inside then pay over-inflated prices for a drink. Don't these bars realize that if NOBODY charged a cover then there would be more bar-hopping and therefore everyone would benefit, and the good bars would make a fortune and the shitty ones go under. WIN - WIN!
 Thanks though Chimbley, I was planning on going down to DC9 this coming weekend but now I know there's a cover you've just saved me a waisted trip.


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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2004, 09:53:00 am »
Originally posted by Bollocks:
  Thanks though Chimbley, I was planning on going down to DC9 this coming weekend but now I know there's a cover you've just saved me a waisted trip.
They actually don't usually have a cover, and my friends and I go there about once a week without paying to get in-- most nights the cover's for the show, so you can get into the bar (1st floor) for free but you have to pay to get up to the show on the 2nd floor.  
 I don't know why they were such asses about it on Sunday... but if there's anyone from DC9 that knows, I'm listening...
 btw-- the overpriced beer thing is a problem at DC9, which has no cheapie/can beer.  Their cheapest is like a $4 bud light-- they don't even have miller lite (the union beer).

Bombay Chutney

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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2004, 10:13:00 am »
Was there a big-name band playing that night?  Maybe they were expecting a HUGE crowd for the show?  Sort of like how the BackBar or Red Room are sometimes  closed to folks who aren't going to the main show? Somehow I doubt it though.
 Private gig maybe?  Benefit?


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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2004, 10:16:00 am »
It was Electrotease, which I've heard they're trying to turn into something big-n-hip, but come on.  9pm on a Sunday?  Totally empty?


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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2004, 10:26:00 am »
You should have come to The Blue Room!  :)
 (Perhaps you did? - I don't know what you look like).  ;)
 DJ Medusa.


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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2004, 10:27:00 am »
Originally posted by Medusa:
  You should have come to The Blue Room!   :)  
funny you should say that.  i haven't had the nerve to return to the blue room since an unforunate outcome of an all-you-can-drink (some would call it open bar) work holiday party that involved bouncers not even letting me back in to get my coat...


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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2004, 10:32:00 am »
One other note:
 Note to downstairs bartender @ DC9 "YOU'RE SLOW AND YOU SUCK" He is without a doubt the worst bartender ever. This was twice I've dealt with him on two different occassions. Makes me not want to go to that place now...
 Mindless Faith
 Deep6 Productions


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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2004, 10:51:00 am »
Originally posted by MindCage:
  One other note:
 Note to downstairs bartender @ DC9 "YOU'RE SLOW AND YOU SUCK" He is without a doubt the worst bartender ever. This was twice I've dealt with him on two different occassions. Makes me not want to go to that place now...
 Mindless Faith
 Deep6 Productions
Easy there big fella!
 Take it from me, leave the bartenders alone, even if they do suck. There may be a contract on you already though so it might be too late.


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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2004, 12:41:00 pm »
I agree that there should NEVER be a cover just to go drink.  thats just ridiculous. a dj, a band, naked women, something like that i can see, but just to get into a bar?  Some clientel they must want since anyone with 1/2 a brain wouldnt go there.
   When we went to DC9, the bartender was smoking and when we ordered our drink, he asked my girlfiend to hold his cigarette!  She declined.


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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2004, 12:57:00 pm »
That's really odd.  There's never been a cover for downstairs before that I've seen or heard of.  ???  
 Don't discount DC9 -- something was definitely going on Sunday that was way out of the usual.  I feel your pain, though, I would have been ticked as well.  Lucky for me Blue Room is my Sunday night hangout!   ;)   Chimbley, you should come by.  Probably a whole different crowd on Sunday, and the vibe is fun but relaxed.


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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2004, 01:00:00 pm »
Originally posted by chimbly sweep:
  they don't even have miller lite (the union beer).
no beer of bob? unacceptable

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2004, 01:39:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bagalicious Tangster:
  That's really odd.  There's never been a cover for downstairs before that I've seen or heard of.  ???  
 Don't discount DC9 -- something was definitely going on Sunday that was way out of the usual.  I feel your pain, though, I would have been ticked as well.  Lucky for me Blue Room is my Sunday night hangout!    ;)    Chimbley, you should come by.  Probably a whole different crowd on Sunday, and the vibe is fun but relaxed.
Yeah, I've been to DC9 several a time myself, and never been charged a cover downstairs. I might have complaints about the drinks being weak as all, but still no cover.
 What is the Blue Room's bar like? I've driven by that place several a time but never stopped in. Larger selection of liquors then DC9 or 9:30 club? It looks like a pretty chill place on it's website, maybe I'll have to try it some weekend.


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Re: Note to DC9...
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2004, 01:57:00 pm »
Originally posted by elj:
 What is the Blue Room's bar like?  Larger selection of liquors then DC9 or 9:30 club? It looks like a pretty chill place on it's website, maybe I'll have to try it some weekend.
Regarding DC9, there is a larger selection of (hard) liquor at The Blue Room.
 Regarding 9:30 Club, I'd say The Blue Room is equivalent to what the 9:30 has on offer, but The Blue Room does perhaps have a few more different brands of scotch/bourbon (DJ Strange likes Lagavulin).
 In case anyone is wondering about beer ... there is none on tap at The Blue Room - all are bottled or in cans - there's a good selection: The Blue Room has Guinness, Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout, Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale, Anchor Porter, Anchor Steam, Orval, Framboise Lambic, Heineken, Pilsner Urquell, Corona and Sapporo (there might be more but this is what I remember from memory right now).  :)  
 DJ Medusa.