Originally posted by Bollocks:
Oh dear...wait till smackie wakes up on the west coast, then you're gonna geddit!
BTW....on the west coast...do they call the mid west the mid east? And if not, why not?
We call it the Mid West because of the East Coast bias that Venerable already alluded to.
As for Rooney, I agree that they are crap and they were only on the show because of their hollywood family ties (the same reason why Phantom Planet do the theme song - Jason Schwartman of Rushmore fame was (is?) the drummer and his brother is the lead singer of Rooney). It was a funny episode though and the beginning of the downfall of the character formerly known as Luke.
Smackette on the other hand will take you outside for bad mouthing Rooney. Inexplicably, she loves them (and I must admit that I do find one tune catchy). She begged me to go to the show on the 11th when I'm in DC, but I have convinced her that it doesn't fit in my schedule. Thankfully.
Will you be taking your daughter?