Funny, I have a somewhat similiar problem, but at work. I log in, but it continues to say I'm not logged in. Sometimes I get a white screen showing that I can't access the 9:30 site at all. But it's only on my main work computer, not my home computer, or my second work computer I'm sometimes on.
The problem seemed to have been fixed earlier in the week, but then I rebooted, and the problem seemed to come back. So instead of solving a problem, rebooting created one.
I think it's ip address issues. Or the 9:30 moderators are trying to ban me.
Originally posted by beetsnotbeats:
I hope this fixes a problem I've had accessing the forum from home. I'm logged in but it says I'm not. I can't post, I can't log out. If I try to register it says that I'm already registered and logged in while at the same time another line says I'm not logged in. Deleting cookies didn't work. Really weird. But everything's hunky-dory from work.