Originally posted by Relaxer:
Don't worry, I'm sure the guys in the band will still have sex with you and your little sister.
that made my day. really, it did. it's so true.
except i wouldn't do one of those little STD-machines if my life depended on it.
i'm surprised to see that a lot of you guys don't like KOL. i guess they are kind of hit or miss; you either love 'em or hate 'em.
i've seen them twice live. the first time was when they were at the black cat, and it was one of the best live shows i've ever been to...really great energy, really fun crowd, everybody was dancing and having a good time.
the second time i saw them open for u2 and they really were disappointing. i've missed the last two 9:30 shows due to the first one selling out and the second being while i was in LA; so i'm curious as to whether their live show has gone downhill (/their ego's have replaced their live show) since the first time i saw them.