george lucas - marin county, ca
james hetfield - marin county
huey lewis - marin county (went to one of the band members weddings)
the guys in Journey shop at my parents health food store as well as countless other musicians that live in marin.
whoopi goldberg - sf
gabriel byrne - coming out of the IFC - NYC
and lots of other celebs here
ringo starr - shoe store on Melrose (one of the biggest a$$holes ive ever met)
janeane garafolo - on melrose (shes even worse than ringo)
and friends lived on the same dorm floor at ucsb with gwyneth (she only went there for a year if that). my ex was hit on by her also.
ive become oblivious to it all living in nyc. pretty much everywhere you go, you can see someone. at concerts it can be a 'who's who', depending on which 'it' band is playing.