Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
I don't know, SPARX, I know those guys too and they're nice people, but their music just struck me as predictable, humorless and way too earnest.
Oh, I agree wholewheartedly with that statement. There seemed to be a lot of bitterness in both Brian and Ian at that point. They definitely were letting it all out through the music.
When did earnest become a bad thing?
Face it, it was all downhill after Minor Threat, but catching a live Dag Nasty show for like 5 bucks was totally worth it and 20 some years later I still pull out those couple of releases for a listen when the mood fits.
Living in West Virginia and not having them rammed down my throat like the D.C. area probably helped in my case.
Oh, and for the record, I own no Fugazi and am perfectly content with that.