Author Topic: iphone  (Read 388392 times)


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Re: iphone
« Reply #390 on: January 27, 2010, 08:19:50 pm »

kosmo vinyl

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Re: iphone
« Reply #391 on: January 27, 2010, 08:49:16 pm »
The hyperbole is getting deeper over on Twitter

Naysayers: The iPad isn't a giant iPhone. It's the first end-user appliance computer.


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Re: iphone
« Reply #392 on: January 27, 2010, 09:02:47 pm »
There's nothing short of vitriol over on Engadget.  Even the fanboi's hate it...

kosmo vinyl

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Re: iphone
« Reply #393 on: January 27, 2010, 09:26:27 pm »
I'm guessin that enough early adopters and people who can't get enough of their iPhones will be at front of the line for one of these. 

Whereas those former early adapter who are now looking at specs will wait for hw ver 2.0.  I would to think that AT&T 3g option would be a deal breaker for many.   

kosmo vinyl

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Re: iphone
« Reply #394 on: January 27, 2010, 11:08:45 pm »
and just to spite me all those twitter "pundits", I'm going to go out an buy a Kindle for Kosmette and a netbook for me.  At least with a netbook, I can find the data provider with the strongest signal into my building, vs the one that flakely more often than not.


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Re: iphone
« Reply #395 on: January 28, 2010, 02:03:43 am »
how to ensure smackie will hate your device: see first 10 seconds of this vid.

also, 2:59 - "thinner and lighter than any netbook".

it's weird how he kept bringing up the netbook comparisons.  this obviously isn't a netbook, and shouldn't try competing against them... in all but one category: dollars.  my take on this netbook obsession is that they want to replace the netbook as the consumer's secondary/tertiary computer-related spend.  while the ipad fills different niches, people aren't going to buy both.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: iphone
« Reply #396 on: January 28, 2010, 08:28:38 am »
To an extent Apple is on to something...  I find that whenever I can, I prefer using my iphone over my laptop.   It's easier to use despte the small screen.  So a maxi-iPod makes sense, theoretically.

That being said, it is shockingly unimaginative given how Apple likes to position itself, and given how much time they've spent developing it.   Once you cut through Steven Jobs' extensive hyperbole, there isn't much there that's new other than the size.



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Re: iphone
« Reply #397 on: January 28, 2010, 08:36:44 am »
A maxiPod?

To an extent Apple is on to something...  I find that whenever I can, I prefer using my iphone over my laptop.   It's easier to use despte the small screen.  So a maxi-iPod makes sense, theoretically.

That being said, it is shockingly unimaginative given how Apple likes to position itself, and given how much time they've spent developing it.   Once you cut through Steven Jobs' extensive hyperbole, there isn't much there that's new other than the size.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: iphone
« Reply #398 on: January 28, 2010, 09:52:38 am »

That being said, it is shockingly unimaginative given how Apple likes to position itself, and given how much time they've spent developing it.   Once you cut through Steven Jobs' extensive hyperbole, there isn't much there that's new other than the size.

And it's the size that's really got me puzzled.... It's to big to carried around by it's own in a pocket like an iPhone requiring always have a man bag to use it.  Are women going to really want to lug something that big around?

If it's bigger than a Kindle is anyone really going  trying to use it to read on the Metro and I most certainly wouldn't want to be sitting at my desk using it.  With all the firewall monitoring going on these day my iPhone is my primarily method of reading email, surfing these days.

I could see myself getting excited for something in between an iPhone and the iPad, that allows me to choose who my data provider is, can stream mixes in the background, while I surf the web or check out my twitter feed.

Hopefully, enough of the people who will want it just because it's the "hottest" thing since the iPhone will buy it and allow Apple to recover costs and then work on rev 3 versions of the iPad. 


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Re: iphone
« Reply #399 on: January 28, 2010, 12:12:41 pm »
If it's bigger than a Kindle is anyone really going  trying to use it to read on the Metro and I most certainly wouldn't want to be sitting at my desk using it.

It's much bigger than a kindle.  It's closer in size to the Kindle DX.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: iphone
« Reply #400 on: January 28, 2010, 01:56:10 pm »

That being said, it is shockingly unimaginative given how Apple likes to position itself, and given how much time they've spent developing it.   Once you cut through Steven Jobs' extensive hyperbole, there isn't much there that's new other than the size.

And it's the size that's really got me puzzled.... It's to big to carried around by it's own in a pocket like an iPhone requiring always have a man bag to use it.  Are women going to really want to lug something that big around?

I can see a use for it in my life -- I have a laptop which I basically use to surf the web while I'm sitting on the couch, and to control Itunes with over my stereo.  I can imagine using it that way and as an oversized remote control.   Can't imagine carrying it around.

One thing I was wondering was whether Apple would introduce another rather rudimentary concept -- folders -- on this thing.   From the photos I don't see that.   If you've got more than a few apps on an iphone you already know how annoying it can be to hunt for them without a way to organize them.

Beyond that, the usual Apple hype -- words like "magical" and "phenomenal" just irk me.   I think the baisc concept is a fine one, I just hope someone comes along and executes it better.



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Re: iphone
« Reply #401 on: January 28, 2010, 10:22:42 pm »
I think the baisc concept is a fine one, I just hope someone comes along and executes it better.

I have high hopes for the HP Slate, and I hope that an Android/Chrome OS version with a dual-core atom/ION combo or a tegra2 can come in at $500 (I don't think a Win7 version can do that, but I'd love to be wrong). 

The Slate will struggle to match 10 hours of battery life, but I'm willing to sacrifice that for the flexibility added to a device that isn't tied to on manufacturer's business model.


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Re: iphone
« Reply #402 on: January 28, 2010, 10:28:00 pm »
wait, does this have a flash player on it

Says Adobe:

"It looks like Apple is continuing to impose restrictions on their devices that limit both content publishers and consumers. Unlike many other ebook readers using the ePub file format, consumers will not be able to access ePub content with Apple's DRM technology on devices made by other manufacturers. And without Flash support, iPad users will not be able to access the full range of web content, including over 70% of games and 75% of video on the web.

If I want to use the iPad to connect to Disney, Hulu, Miniclip, Farmville, ESPN, Kongregate, or JibJab -- not to mention the millions of other sites on the web -- I'll be out of luck."

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: iphone
« Reply #403 on: January 28, 2010, 11:57:10 pm »
How does one explain all of this?   My theory is that Apple's large base of worshippers who will line up for hours and pay top dollar for any product they release, means they don't feel much incentive to really innovate.



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Re: iphone
« Reply #404 on: January 29, 2010, 04:36:51 am »
Now they've really gone and done it. They pissed off Hitler!

One of many.