I thought it was a phenomenal show. Absolutely terrific setlist, and the sound was great. Nice selection of older and new material. My only (minor) complaint was no "Alone In Kyoto" which I think is one of the best songs off the new record. It seemed like they were really enjoying themselves too. I liked the Mosquitos a lot...very fun, good opening band. All in all, one of the better shows I've seen in a while, 90 minutes and I didn't feel like it was a ripoff. I'm so excited that I'll get to see them again at Coachella. I'm going to post the set list below, so in case you don't want to see it, just ignore and stop reading here.
If you do want to see it, scroll down...
Alpha Beta Gaga (friggin' AMAZING!!!)
J'ai Dormi Sous L'Eau
Surfing On a Rocket
People in the City (also great)
Cherry Blossom Girl
Another Day
Le Soleil Est Pres De Moi
Kelly Watch the Stars
Sexy Boy
La Femme D'Argent (superb!)