Who's got two thumbs up and a FREE Wilco ticket
So this is an album tour for Star Wars (their meh new album not the movie)
all shows have them going from track 1-11 at show opener
Yikes...might actually come late as I have a seat ( I know that is lame, especially since they've been a top band of mine for 20 years)
But come on, play 6 or 7 songs from the new album, interspersed between your other songs
That's totatlly OK, but this is kinda lame IMO
Has anyone given this album a second listen since it came out?
Good thing is they are doing 25-30 songs a night with some good stuff from the back catalog
Give back the keys and We've been Had would be sweet
and lots from Being There and Summertheet
Could almost catch the superbowl and show up at song 12