Author Topic: Dinosaur Jr  (Read 8817 times)


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2005, 02:41:00 am »
Originally posted by sonicyouth42:
  Right, but they didn't actually play Quest.  They opened the second encore with Tarpit and then went into what sounded like Chunks before ending it.
i'm just posting the setlist i was given. heh.
 i can never remember setlists at shows.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2005, 08:27:00 am »
As great as last night was, it wasn't as good as Norfolk. The band just had a bit more energy then. Still, 95% as good, and I enjoyed both (and Cat's Cradle) immensely.


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2005, 08:44:00 am »
Well the club was too smokey and too loud and it was too crowed, some really tall guy pushed his way in front of me and all these people kept stepping on my toes and then after the show one of the stage bouncers wouldn't give me a setlist....
 But really....Great fucking show.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but whatever expectations I had were far exceeded.  Great setlist and man do I love the electric guitar.  In the right hands, the louder the better.
 I had a great great time.  Thanks 9:30.


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2005, 10:07:00 am »
i was more jazzed for this show than anything in a long long time. totally delivered, thanks guys


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2005, 10:20:00 am »
I, too, had a wonderful time. Saw a bunch of old friends at the end of the show. I wore earplugs for the first time since i was a kid, and boy were they useful!!!
  Mascis is the man, maybe the greatest guitarist of our (my) time (Thurston might be tied).
   I thought it was just crowded and smokey enough! and was very happy with the setlist.
   one funny story, this cutesy little girl kept going back and forth to the dudes in front of us (we were like 9 people back right in front of J) and saying "my friends are up there, hehe" and then she started bringing more and more people up there. but as soon as Dino came on these two dorks came from nowhere, stood right in front of here and started playing air guitar like madmen! it was awesome, and for the record, i dont mind standing near sweaty guys rocking the air guitar, it was amusing!
   on a sad note though, i almost prefer his solo tours. (dont yell at me!)  but this show was great and something i thought i'd never do again.


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2005, 10:29:00 am »
Great show. I knew I should've got earplugs though...
 Also, would've liked to have heard more stuff from Bug


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2005, 11:36:00 am »
Originally posted by amnesiac:
  Great show. I knew I should've got earplugs though...
 Also, would've liked to have heard more stuff from Bug
I enjoyed the show but thought there was just a shade too much of the sheer guitar squall onslaught. Hearing those songs was great, but there was almost too much of a pattern of starting out one of the old classics and then shifting into another Mascis freak-out. For some reason, that never struck me when I saw the J Mascis & Fog shows, including the one earlier this year. And so I have to join the camp that prefers the solo shows, as blasphemous as that might sound.
 I thought Bardo Pond was pretty boring. The Majik Markers were interesting, even kind of funny. If they would settle into an actual groove, they could conceivably go somewhere since they have the look down pat (tough-chick Leather Tuscadero on vocals and guitar-violence, 1950s prom queen on bass, and swirls of hair on drums).


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2005, 11:41:00 am »
Also loved the show, next to Ween last year probably my favorite yet at the club.
 Bardo really clicked with me towards the end of their set and Dinosaurs just seemed so fresh!  Have they come back to save rock?  I hope they keep touring and start writing again.
 Anyway a question - the DJ set between Bardo and Dinosaur was sublime.  Was that Sun City Girls or Cambodian Rock I heard?  IF you know the playlist let me know.
 Good times.


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2005, 11:42:00 am »
oh, i meant to include that in my original post.
  BARDO POND SUCKS.  come on, really. the drummer was good, but the 3 guitarists were boring at best, and usually just sounded like they were "warming up" still!!
  and that girl!! oh lord. she looked like some rich girl who's mother bought her an "indie band" so she could show off her sheer talent of whining and playing instruments she learned in 6th grade. and playing them like a 6th grader.
   what a buzzkill they were.


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2005, 11:46:00 am »
oh yeah, this was the first time ever i wore earplugs. totally glad

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2005, 11:48:00 am »
I concur - Bardo Pond was awful, awful, awful. It's a classic example of a band that clearly was a bunch of guys who wanted liked to jam and said one day, "Hey, we need a singer... and if we got a girl, maybe people would come just to look at her." Awful music. Also, she plays flute about as well as I do, and I've never played flute.
 Cat's Cradle gave us Superchunk as an opener which was really cool.


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2005, 11:53:00 am »
Originally posted by Julian, faux celeb-porn CONNOISSEUR:
  I concur - Bardo Pond was awful, awful, awful. It's a classic example of a band that clearly was a bunch of guys who wanted liked to jam and said one day, "Hey, we need a singer... and if we got a girl, maybe people would come just to look at her." Awful music. Also, she plays flute about as well as I do, and I've never played flute.
 Cat's Cradle gave us Superchunk as an opener which was really cool.
Maybe it was her ability to play some other kind of flute that got her the job.


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2005, 12:08:00 pm »
j. showed the nine thirty that the show shouldn't have been at nine thirty.  (lou even saw a huge rat the last time they played.)  nothing like going to see the jesus of guitar in one of the best bands ever at a place overcrowded with people just standing there and chain smoking, too worried about who's next to them or how to easily get back to the bar.  j. blistered through songs after another like he himself was responsible for recarving out the histories of rock.  some songs seemed way too short by a normal dinosaur standard, though.  i agree that a j. mascis, minus dinosaur, show can be a much better musical performance, and if he was just a bit taller . . . i would almost be convinced that j. is the almighty buckethead.
 and as for the nine thirty . . . man, their female staff rock!!  no offence to the guys, but everytime i go to the club, the men i see that work there, usually have that "i'm working, leave me alone, and get the hell inside" look on their faces, while the women are beautiful, refreshing testaments to how it should be done.  they smile and sometimes say, "hey, how are you?", making me feel all warm and toasty and glad i came to the club.  first the girl who checked my id for digable planets, and then the girl who said hey to me as i was leaving last night.  go, go nine thirty girls!  you f-ing rock!
 and about that pause before dinosaur came on, with the lights going down, and then nothing for atleast five minutes, digable planets did the same thing, last week.  weird.


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2005, 12:36:00 pm »
Originally posted by walkonby:
    (lou even saw a huge rat the last time they played.)  
haha. i thought he said "rack".


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Re: Dinosaur Jr
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2005, 12:46:00 pm »
I concur - Bardo Pond was awful, awful, awful. It's a classic example of a band that clearly was a bunch of guys who wanted liked to jam and said one day, "Hey, we need a singer... and if we got a girl, maybe people would come just to look at her." Awful music. Also, she plays flute about as well as I do, and I've never played flute.
actually, you couldn't be more wrong and ignorant of bardo pond. image and lack of ability have NOTHING to do whatsoever with that band. you should argue that point to gerard cosloy and chris lombardi of matador who signed them in 1996 and released four of their records and are still huge supporters. or perhaps you should argue your points with sonic youth, mogwai, dinosaur jr, and godspeed you black emperor, all of whom personally asked them to open for them. but since you can play flute as well as isobel, i'll let you off the hook since you're clearly affecting me with your epic psychedelia.
 another classic example of a music "fan" who confuses his opinion with gospel as narrow-minded preconception. if you don't like it fine; textured, drony, sludgy psychedelia isn't for everybody. but dismissing them as hacks who decided to pick up instruments last week just to form a "cool" band just shows that you need to do your homework a little more. you have no idea how well-respected bardo pond has been since they've been doing this music since 1992.
 i dislike a lot of music, especially a lot of the crap people lose their shit over on this board, but i would never say something so stupid as "they clearly decided to form a band so they can jam and get some hot chick to sing so people can look at her." that just makes you sound like an out-of-touch fifty year old grump. sorry.
 by the way, i thought last night was far superior to norfolk. every band sounded more inspired, the sound was better, and the vibe at the club seemed a bit more electric to me.