Originally posted by sonickteam4:
i dont really see it this way. WalMart and Netflix teamed up, done. no conceding anywhere i dont think. Netflix is no longer "the little guy" so I'll go find the next little guy to support. [/QB][/QUOTE]
Actually they are cross-promoting. Its different then teaming up a la a merger or shared distribution channels. Renting a movie from netflix will do nothing to increase Wal-Martâ??s bottom line. The logical extension of your argument is that you would not do any business with any company that has any business dealings with Wal-Mart. I would suggest that if you are serious about not supporting Wal-Mart then you could not buy the products of any of the thousands of companies that give Wal-Mart huge purchasing discounts due to the volume that the chain buys. A short list would include just about every clothing, music, movie, electronics, and food products company that does business in this country. Good luck with that boycott. I think you would be better served rereading the news reports for a little more detail before you make such a hasty decision.