Author Topic: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!  (Read 26516 times)


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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #75 on: April 11, 2007, 10:01:00 am »
Originally posted by RatBastard:
  I only believe it because it is a fact.  Granted one of the most visible and qute frankly highly offensive issues that fell under the states rights umbrella was the slavery issue, however that issue -> in and of itself <- was not the cause behind the conflict.
pass the pipe, 'cause i want some of that stuff... seriously, saying that the war was caused by a generalized, legalistic "state vs federal" dissagreement is simply wrong.  was the North up in arms about education budgets?  were Southern states going to war for the right to conduct foreign trade and affairs?
 please argue against this: "if the North had not insisted on abolition, or if the South was willing to abandon slavery, the Civil War would never have happened."  i double-dog dare you.

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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #76 on: April 11, 2007, 10:11:00 am »
Another Marxist heard from...


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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #77 on: April 11, 2007, 10:16:00 am »
i see that you didn't argue my point... OFF TO THE GULAGS!!!   :)
 (actually, had you argued my point, i would have ordered the same outcome...)


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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #78 on: April 11, 2007, 10:40:00 am »
Originally posted by DriveWay:
  How come no one ever brings up the movie "White Chicks?"
Because they are making fun of white people, that is allowed.


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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #79 on: April 11, 2007, 10:46:00 am »
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by RatBastard:
  I only believe it because it is a fact.  Granted one of the most visible and qute frankly highly offensive issues that fell under the states rights umbrella was the slavery issue, however that issue -> in and of itself <- was not the cause behind the conflict.
pass the pipe, 'cause i want some of that stuff... seriously, saying that the war was caused by a generalized, legalistic "state vs federal" dissagreement is simply wrong.  was the North up in arms about education budgets?  were Southern states going to war for the right to conduct foreign trade and affairs?
 please argue against this: "if the North had not insisted on abolition, or if the South was willing to abandon slavery, the Civil War would never have happened."  i double-dog dare you. [/b]
I second my man S Dot Cell's e-motion.  You can't really hold up a "technicality" as the basis of an argument.  If the state vs. federal thing has to get held up, I'd like to introduce a couple more:
 1) Paris & Britney just sincerely forgot to put on some panties ALL those days
 2) Ashlee Simpson really thought lip syncing would help her acid reflux situation
 3) Janet's titty really was the victim of a wardrobe malfunction
 4) Slick Willie sincerely needed Ms. Lewinsky to moisten his cigar for him
 There's some technicalities for that ass, pal.    ;)

Venerable Bede

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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #80 on: April 11, 2007, 12:34:00 pm »
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by RatBastard:
  I only believe it because it is a fact.  Granted one of the most visible and qute frankly highly offensive issues that fell under the states rights umbrella was the slavery issue, however that issue -> in and of itself <- was not the cause behind the conflict.
pass the pipe, 'cause i want some of that stuff... seriously, saying that the war was caused by a generalized, legalistic "state vs federal" dissagreement is simply wrong.  was the North up in arms about education budgets?  were Southern states going to war for the right to conduct foreign trade and affairs?
 please argue against this: "if the North had not insisted on abolition, or if the South was willing to abandon slavery, the Civil War would never have happened."  i double-dog dare you. [/b]
actually, the south had previously attempted to secede for that exact reason- tariffs.  john c. calhoun, then vp to pres. andrew jackson, put forth the theory of nullification, that is, the constitution is nothing more than a pact between states, whereby a state can take or leave a law that they don't like.  in this case, calhoun and the south were upset over the federal govts. tariff and foreign trade laws.  the south viewed the laws as favorable to northern shipping interests and against southern farmed (cotton) interests, and threatened to secede and make their own laws.  jackson would have none of that and sent the military to south carolina to quell the threat.  
 i think you need to read some bio's on lincoln.  he by no means was an abolitionist, in fact, he was only opposed to the extension of slavery into new territories, but was content on letting slavery stay in current states, being of the belief that slavery was inefficient and on the way to disappearing.  it was only DURING the war did lincoln begin to view the issue of slavery as being part of the war.  
 i leave you with this-
 "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."  Letter to Horace Greeley" (August 22, 1862).

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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #81 on: April 11, 2007, 12:57:00 pm »
Kosmo, would it be possible to lock this thread?


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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #82 on: April 12, 2007, 12:22:00 am »
Originally posted by Buck Satan:
Originally posted by DriveWay:
  How come no one ever brings up the movie "White Chicks?"
Because they are making fun of white people, that is allowed. [/b]
It is about context! They did it to be comical, because they are comedians. Don Imus is not!!


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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #83 on: April 12, 2007, 12:25:00 am »
Don Imus is going down. You must pay for what you say. When you spew hate, this is what happens.

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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #84 on: April 12, 2007, 10:18:00 am »
Originally posted by bull930:
  Don Imus is going down.  
On your mama.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #85 on: April 12, 2007, 11:20:00 am »
Originally posted by bull930:
  Don Imus is going down. You must pay for what you say. When you spew hate, this is what happens.
You seem a bit of a racist to me actually, because you're going way over the top over this in my opinion. I wonder if some black commentator had said exactly the same thing you'd be going for the jugular with the same enthusiasm?
 My mother always said, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" and that's how I feel to be honest.
 BTW...I didn't know who the hell this Imus character was before this bru-ha-ha, so CBS got mission accomplished if you ask me. PUBLICITY BABY!!!!


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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #86 on: April 12, 2007, 11:32:00 am »
It is about context! They did it to be comical, because they are comedians. Don Imus is not!!
Actually, a large part of the Imus show is (was?) comedy. Imus, and especially his sidekick, regularly assume various personas.  For example, they regularly impersonate Dr. Phil on the show.  I think this is what the  bit was about.  However, it wasn't very funny and was in poor taste.


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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #87 on: April 12, 2007, 11:39:00 am »
I got this email from Hillary's campaign yesterday.  This is one of the most disgusting political moves I have ever seen and is political opportunism at its worse.
Dear Friend,
 When our children are young, we teach them to dream big and reach for the stars, and that if they work hard enough they can accomplish anything.
 This year the Rutgers women's basketball team defied the odds and lived up to their dreams, providing inspiration to every little boy and girl beginning to pick up a ball or open a book. These remarkable young women reached the pinnacle of success and won the hearts of basketball fans everywhere with their grace, skill, and poise. They are role models deserving our praise -- and our support.
 Don Imus's comments about them were nothing more than small-minded bigotry and coarse sexism. They showed a disregard for basic decency and were disrespectful and degrading to African Americans and women everywhere.
 Please join me in sending the young women of Rutgers a message of respect and support. Show them that we are proud to stand with them and for them.
 Hillary Rodham Clinton


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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #88 on: April 12, 2007, 11:49:00 am »
Originally posted by bull930:
Originally posted by Buck Satan:
Originally posted by DriveWay:
  How come no one ever brings up the movie "White Chicks?"
Because they are making fun of white people, that is allowed. [/b]
It is about context! They did it to be comical, because they are comedians. Don Imus is not!! [/b]
So... If a bunch of white guys got together, dressed up as black chicks and embraced all of the stereotypes of black women and called it a "comedy," it would acceptable?  Somehow, I'm sure Al Sharpton wouldn't agree with you...  
 Does the NAACP get involved when African Americans are "racist" toward other ethnicities?  I haven't researched this, I'm actually curious.

ratioci nation

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Re: why you gotta be disrespecting blacks Imus!!!!
« Reply #89 on: April 12, 2007, 12:07:00 pm »
<img src="" alt=" - " />
 Mark needs a scholarship to get into Harvard. There's one more available for a black student. The problem is Mark's not black... Yet. He didn't give up. He got down.