Author Topic: 9.14 Talking Head's End Of Summer party w/ Love Or Peri  (Read 838 times)


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9.14 Talking Head's End Of Summer party w/ Love Or Peri
« on: September 03, 2008, 01:08:00 am »
This ain't no dance party but we're giving it a big thumbs up...
 Kick off the final week of Summer with a bang!
  <img src="" alt=" - " />
 "LOVE OR PERISH? Why yes, I know them. They're in New York. Um, they fucking rule. The bass player in the group never wavers, reminiscent of Geezer Butler or perhaps Deborah Scroggins (that is to say, the linchpin.) The singer is a complete lunatic, at once an acolyte and a flamethrower. The guitar player, too, is utterly out of control, windmills, slashing, leaping, furious, focused. Plus, fucking hell, he was in Rice. Anyone who knows what I'm talking about KNOWS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. And last but the opposite of least, their drummer is unspeakably great, transmuting the aforementioned rogue elements into some kind of feral tunes weapon that's truly righteous, not wicked. Everyone in their band is amazing; they drove to Detroit last fall to play for like fucking no money whatsoever just because we asked them to, even though it was freezing out and they were all tired and their reward afterwards for being the best group I saw last year was to cram in like sardines on our floor, eat whatever rude snacks we'd scared up on the drive back to Ann Arbor, and endure what I'm sure was an endless cavalcade of doo wop 45s, each one more ridiculous than the one before. Uh, but I digress; I could speak at length about the almost overwhelming need for music like this in my life - fire heart brain hips music, antivenom or salve to the psychic damage fallout from what might be the most embarrassing and depressing period in human history, but I won't.<br style="display:none" gauntlet_tokenizer_reserved=""/> just remember that LOVE OR PERISH ARE EXCITING EXCITING EXCITING"
 Last time Love Or Perish played Talking Head, they shared the stage with Ratsize, Orphan and Obits and totally blew everyone away!  DO NOT MISS!
 with VINYL ONLY DJ sets from members of Ratsize + Vincent Black Shadow!
 A rock n roll DJ showdown like never before!  HOLY SHIT!
 This event is all ages!