Originally posted by Mobius:
just from an artistic standpoint, those plays are pathetic. Its a tragedy he didn't have a sense of humor
Taken by themselves I thought the plays rather funny. Given his ethnicity, I'm surprised he didn't kill a comparable number on the drive over to the campus. It's the Rutgers women's team that has no sense of humor.
Actually, events were
Surreal, at least according to eyewitnesses and the media:
"It's kinda surreal because I've always thought Virginia Tech was extremely safe, one of the reasons that I considered to come to the school... " -- Student interviewed by
ABC News
"Students in the Northern Iowan newspaper office watched the events unfold Tuesday afternoon. Junior Andrew Weinberg called the event "surreal." --
WCF Courier From a hospital bed, this injured student tells a sensitive reporter that the situation went from feeling like "a joke" to being "surreal."
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=67f_1176750363&p=1 <img src="http://www.seaboarcreations.com/gallery/invisibles/images/andre-breton.jpg" alt=" - " />
"The simplest surrealist act consists in going into the street with revolvers in your fist and shooting blindly into the crowd as much as possible. Anyone who has never felt the desire to deal thus with the current wretched principle of humiliation and stultification clearly belongs in this crowd himself with his belly at bullet height." --
André Breton <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y25/team_dupek/8b3cc0b7.jpg" alt=" - " />
I wonder what everyone thought a massive shooting would look like. I'd like to hear exactly what was surprising about the day, how it veered from their humdrum expectations into surreality. I also wonder how something like... oh... a war would blow their minds.
I caught some footage of that shooting, and I must say it was undeniably creepy, otherworldly, and bizarre. It was alsoâ??easilyâ??the most noirish school shooting I'd ever witnessed. This AP photo of yesterday's tragic, senseless, and flat-out weird carnage speaks for itself:
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/drew483@sbcglobal.net/resources/photos/guernica.jpg" alt=" - " />
"...and after I had pulled all of the spaghetti out of my nose with what little strength I had left, I felt the color of several loud popping noises, and we all rushed to seal the door with tiny, microscopic pieces of chewing gum, but canaries and bats flew out of my pants and ate it up faster than we could set it in place. I laughed, but I didn't know why. And then the door opened... slowly... to reveal a chasm of unspeakable cyclopean eldritch terror yawning before us! The door had hair all around it. It was surreal." -- Gerhard Consuelo Fong Jr. (deceased), Lit. Engr. Student-Teacher President