Author Topic: COACHELLA PRE-SALE  (Read 1607 times)


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« on: January 19, 2007, 08:08:00 pm »  
 These presale tix are $199 plus $12 service charge each, plus $12 obligatory Fed Ex Charge per order for shipping.  Good news no TICKETBASTARD, better news is that they are attempting to Scalper proof these tix as they'll be cancelled if you show up on any auction sites trying to peddle them.  
 You can only buy two, but make sure you're going to use them or you might get screwed. Rumour has regular onsale prices at $235 plus Ticketmaster surcharges which if past years are any indication are about 20-30 % of the ticket price.
 oh and the password is ROXANNE and should give you an idea who one of the headliners are.
 And lastly this offer turns into a pumpkin Sunday night, as they'll be announcing the acts Monday morning.  Just trying to keep my DC peeps in the know.


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« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2007, 09:10:00 pm »
Quite a price for a concert that I believe maybe only ever sold out for one day.  Scalper proof?  Seems like they just realized that 70% of the people who come are going to come anyway... so next year they'll bump it up to $300 and have jimmy's chicken shack headline.


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« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2007, 04:42:00 am »
3 to be precise, both days in 2004 and 2nd day last year.  
 If Coachella isn't your cup of tea, I suppose any price is too much.  If it is, then less than 2 bills for 3 days is quite reasonable, in the past single day sales at the gate if available have been $90, sure to be more this year.  
 I'll grant going from the east coast requires additional expenses and the weekend as a whole isn't exactly cheap, but there are  few things happening in the States that are obligatory and for my money Austin in Mid March and Indio in late April are definitely two of them.  
 But to each their own, if the pricing seems exploitative from your perspective and you decide not to attend, while I'm sure we'll have a poorer experience without your presence we'll try to soldier on anyway.