We ended up using video over firewire using IP (and a decoder device that we borrowed to test). Thanks again for your help Markie, those gizmodo guys were helpful, even though we went with a different solution. They're helping us with something else now!
Here's the coverage of the event. There's a
video here of the event. Those that have met me might pick me out - I'm the guy behind the guy. Literally and figuratively.
High Speed Internet At Speed of Light BUSINESS
Sep. 28 - Can you imagine surfing the internet about 1,000-times faster than you do right now? It may someday be possible.
Digital experts at San Francisco State Tuesday demonstrated something never done before. They used fiber optic networks in real time to stream 4K super high-definition video [from Tokyo] and 24-channel audio from [San Francisco] at the speed of light.
And at 186,000 miles-per-second, that information can circle the Earth over seven times in one tick of a clock.
Joaquin Alvarado, SFSU Institute For Next Generation: "Downloading now is a function of the limited capacity of this internet. The speeds that we're talking about, downloading will not be something we'll have to worry about anymore."
Jacob Balser, [Skywalker Sound]: "If your network isn't as reliable than to take your tape and put it in a truck and have it their the next day, then it's not worth the cost of the bandwith, and that's what we're trying to demonstrate here that it's more and more possible."
Researchers and high-tech leaders are trying to move the technology into the mainstream. But it is likely to take between five and 10-years before the super high-speed 'net is widely available.