Originally posted by vansmack:
It is therefore little surprise that as you know all about american soccer find the article trite.
trite ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trt)
adj. trit·er, trit·est
1. Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; hackneyed.
2. Archaic. Frayed or worn out by use.
Don't undersell the intelligence level of your "mates" back home. They have no problem giving Americans shit about American "soccer" when we visit the UK and have plenty of insight (spelled correctly) as to how bad the US professional game is. To remind everybody "back home" that the US game is passionless and watched by soccer moms is of no use to anyone, except to get a few laughs of ignorant jackasses such as yourself. I can't wait to visit again so every twat that reads the guardian can quote the noted expert, Irvine Welsh, as to how bad the game is.
the article is in the Telegraph, Irvine Welsh is a regular columnist. He is teaching in Chicago and supplies insights (thanks for the sp) of America back to Britain. As such comments on soccer are going to be as interesting or dull as anything else.
People laugh or respect American soccer because of the world cup.
I posted the article because of the observation I pointed out earlier and because I wondered if anyone else read Irvines articles. I for one enjoy them.
Since you have been far surpassed by America in nearly everything else, the British population has to hang its hat on something, and it does so on football. Well, wooptygoddamndo! Readers looking for real insight would want to know Irvine Welsh's thoughts on why the US professional game is "trite."
You misquoted me and obviously dont know what trite means, see above. And if I didnt know all that why would I be living in America, eh?
Vansmack, did you let someone with a logic difficulty in charge of your computer, or are you "just tired today"?