Originally posted by Celeste:
the biggest take away for me from the movie, and most of Moore's work, is that the working class get screwed royally by leaders like Bush...
actually, working americans were screwed by the framers of the constitution and their contemporaries that decided to give corporations the same rights as individuals without the same responsibilities.
I am a raging lefty. I thought Moore's work was rather sloppy, but it's the best we've got. Did he need to show the soldier saying he's going to work for the Democratic party? Did we need to take the mother to the white house (knowing she wouldn't get anywhere and setting her up for that scene exactly)? And would any Senator really sign their kid up? Come on.
But it's theatre. It's funny, it's compelling, it makes you question. It's a starting point. Anyone who thinks a film-- or for that matter, the news, magazines, newspapers, etc.-- is 100% is a nut. But it does make you wonder, and thus it achieves its goal.