Its really, really good too. Surprisingly good. I think it maybe even better than how I remember my titanium litespeed obed. I really like steel and I guess Reynolds 853 is about as good as it gets.
Went for two excellent off road rides this weekend.
Saturday with Bungle in the Gambrils, really rocky and quite technical. Someone fell off six times...... But the trails there are as good as any I have ridden, including Vail and Aspen.....
Sunday with GGW at Shaeffer farms, rolling smooth fast flowing and not technical, it was a blast. Good fun for a training ride and it beautifully offset the difficulty of the Gambrils ride. Plus the scenerey is cute.
I would recommend the farms to anyone without too much mountain bike experience. I would think you would really enjoy it, Mankie.
Thanks for the great rides, guys.
Anyone else going to come along the weekend after next?