I meant new bands that have come out in the last year or two. I feel old that I think hot chip is still hip and relevant.
yes I figured
when I was a kid I didn't listen to bands that had "come out in the last year or two" did you?
I caught on to bands, often, quite a few years after they had started.. it took them a few years to get going, grow a fanbase, develop their music..
I bet the first time I heard New Order was probably around 85 86 after they'd put out like 4 albums and of course Joy Division had already happened..much like most people.. many came across them in Pretty in Pink
I'm not sure that hearing a band the "first year" is that great.. what they have one album? Pitchfork writes a nice review, they sell a few records and next year everybody forgets them, two years later the follow up is felt to not meet expectations and then they have to wait around for the 10 year anniversary of the album people liked to tour behind that
I mean there's always a "new band" to listen to.. isn't it the point to find "new bands" you will love for 40 years? That their music will still speak to you in 40 years..
I am having trouble finding such bands
there are tons of bands that people talk about this week but won't remember next year.....
the role of music in our society has changed... so it is hard to really visualize any band starting out today being talked about in 40 years...
when I was a wee one music was our life...we defined ourselves in a way by the music we listened to
nowadays music is one of many things... and even with music there is way more of it out there available to everybody
the music I listened to and loved in the 80s and 90s is a part of my DNA by this point...as it was for many of my peers..
that is just no longer the case... most people in the past generation or two.... its just not like that for them...
I have a lot of trouble finding new bands that speak to me in that way... the last one was the Hellacopters and by the point I got turned on to them they had broken up! I don't think they ever played anywhere in DC bigger than the Black Cat.. sad
I was listening to New Order's Substance in the car today driving around on the Deathway and man its just so good...
I dont' think its that I'm closed off.. I just dont' think music hits people these days the way it did back then... its just a very different scene today but in general and in music...