Even disogs was kind of weird on the subject of what exactly Garvin did as it has him listed as Shekere
Discogs likes to use consistent names for instruments and artists. For a new submission, when you start to enter an instrument, it will show accepted names that can be entered. "Chekere" is not found but "Shekere" shows up as an option as soon as you type "she". But for clarity, you can enter an alternate instrument name in brackets after the acceptable instrument name, e.g. "Shekere [Chekere]". This is done a lot for particular synthesizers.
For artists, every artist has a standardized name plus any variations ("Artist Name Variation (ANV)"). ANVs are shown with an asterisk by the name. For example, there is
State Of Alert and
S.O.A.This concludes your Discogs lesson for the night.