Author Topic: U2 3D  (Read 5705 times)

Sage 703

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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2008, 01:31:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
  That explains the drunken near midnight (et) phone call I received from the Director last night.  Must have been a U2 gizzphoria!
 I'm going to see it in Denver this weekend.
Ha!  Yeah - he was rolling out of the bar with me and sweetcell, actually.  I think we were all making phone calls about it.


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2008, 01:37:00 pm »
Originally posted by callat703:
  Ha!  Yeah - he was rolling out of the bar with me and sweetcell, actually.  I think we were all making phone calls about it.
Damn.  I hate missing a good time!


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2008, 01:41:00 pm »
Originally posted by callat703:
  Okay, now I've read what everybody else said...
 Going to see this shouldn't have anything to do with U2 at all, in my opinion.  If you like U2, it is just a bonus.  It is just a groundbreaking technological film to me - you feel completely immersed in it.  Not only that, they USE the medium in all facets - they incorporate the 3D element into post-production, they isolate the audio mix at times to further bring out the 3D just is incredible.  Can't recommend it enough.
IMAX and 3D movies have been around forever. But after seeing this last night, I can't see how this isn't the future of motion pictures and/or concert films.
 In the past, both technologies were outrageously expensive to produce. I wonder if that has/or will change to expand it's reach.

Sage 703

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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2008, 01:46:00 pm »
Originally posted by Glass Arm Shattering:
Originally posted by callat703:
  Okay, now I've read what everybody else said...
 Going to see this shouldn't have anything to do with U2 at all, in my opinion.  If you like U2, it is just a bonus.  It is just a groundbreaking technological film to me - you feel completely immersed in it.  Not only that, they USE the medium in all facets - they incorporate the 3D element into post-production, they isolate the audio mix at times to further bring out the 3D just is incredible.  Can't recommend it enough.
IMAX and 3D movies have been around forever. But after seeing this last night, I can't see how this isn't the future of motion pictures and/or concert films.
 In the past, both technologies were outrageously expensive to produce. I wonder if that has/or will change to expand it's reach. [/b]
Completely agreed.  I've seen other IMAX and 3D movies, but NOTHING was near this.
 I found myself hoping throughout the film that I could somehow watch sports like that at some point in the future.
 But yeah, I really hope that this is a viable means for making movies in the future.  I also think the IMAX element really matters - I don't know that it would have the same impact unless you felt immersed in it.


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2008, 02:06:00 pm »
Hello?!?!?!  Just think of the PORN you could do in this format.  "Pirates", one of the Wicked blockbusters or any of the "Island Fever" films?
 I'd never leave the theater.


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2008, 03:15:00 pm »
Originally posted by callat703:
 they isolate the audio mix at times to further bring out the 3D elements
this was done subtlely, and to great effect.  they often panned (in 3D) just one instrument or vocal part.  i didn't think the volume needed to be cranked up, sounded just right to me.
Originally posted by callat703:
 I found myself hoping throughout the film that I could somehow watch sports like that at some point in the future.
3D football?!?   :)


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2008, 03:15:00 pm »
I too was very surprised by how much this blew my mind. Being a self admitted uber fan, I had high expectations, but this far exceeded even my wildest dreams for what a concert film could be.  I left thinking, those might have been the best concert seats I have ever had.
 A couple thoughts that haven't been mentioned here:  
 (1) GREAT call on filming this in South America.  If any group of people should be in 3D, it's the Brazilians and Argentinians.  Liquid sex throughout the crowd.
 (2) From the very beginning I could already tell the technology had come a long way since the last 3D movie I saw (Jaws 3:3D)
 (3) They did an excellent job of not boring you with the same shots over and over again, and really worked in the backgrounds nicely.
 (4) I agree with the set list critiques.  With or Without You seemed forced at best.  I would have much rather seen Walk On or Kite.
 (5) The Fly really pointed out how amazing this technology would have been if it existed to this extent during Zoo TV.  
 Two enthusiastic thumbs up from Smackie.


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2008, 04:07:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
 (3) They did an excellent job of not boring you with the same shots over and over again, and really worked in the backgrounds nicely.
one of my major annoyances with concert footage over the past decade is the non-stop quick shots (what i've come to call hyperactive camera cycling).  the camera never sticks with any shot longer than two seconds - bugs the hell outta me.  i realize it's a concession that concert-filming directors have to make to the TV audience b/c it has ADD.  anyways, this film definitely does a better job than most, but i would have been fine with sticking with a given shot for a tad longer.  
Originally posted by vansmack:
 (5) The Fly really pointed out how amazing this technology would have been if it existed to this extent during Zoo TV.
brian wallace is the fly?  don't get it.
 if i can get out of work at a decent time, i'm going to go see it again tonight.


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2008, 04:33:00 pm »
I saw it last night, what a great experience, the sound was flawless, and Ill definitely see it again   without a doubt...


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2008, 05:24:00 pm »
I saw it in Philly on Saturday...can I just say how awesome it was to see the incredible detail, like what was Larry Mullen drinking? Who would ever notice that he has a glass strategically placed near him, or the careful attention to where certain things are placed on the stage. Truly a neat experience. The setlist could have been tweaked some, and I wouldn't have minded if the movie was 10 or 15 minutes longer at all. Poor Bono's voice seemed shot during "With or Without You" though. I can't imagine that one day this will be the norm for everything from action movies to documentaries to concerts to animation. It was really something.


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2008, 06:20:00 pm »
Where can you find information on this? As in, where is it playing, what times is it playing at.
 For some reason, I have this fear of getting permission from the wife to go, driving there, parking, "preparing", and then showing up at the gate only to find out that it's sold out.


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2008, 06:26:00 pm »
Originally posted by Relaxer:
  Where can you find information on this?  
Info Here
 Buy your tickets in advance as some dates/times have been sold out. Don't know if that trend will continue.


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2008, 12:53:00 am »
managed to catch the movie again tonight.  people really need to go see this while it's still in IMAX theaters.  there are plans to move it to regular theaters with digital projectors, but it's sooooooo much cooler on the really really big screen.  nothing like seeing a 20-foot bono plant a big ol'smooch right on the lips of a 20-foot clayton!
 tonight's showing was about two-thirds full, much more than when i first saw it (a later show on opening night - still don't get it).  i'd definitely suggest getting your tickets in advance, and arriving 15 minutes before showtime to nab a good seat - my recommendation is two-thirds to three quarters of the way to the back, as centered as possible.
 answer for lily1, below: both times at smithsonian for me.  i don't think there is a huge difference between imax theaters, they all have to be up to a certain spec.  i'd go to whichever imax is closest/most convenient for you.


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2008, 12:59:00 am »
those of you in dc-you've all seen it at the imax at the smithsonian museum of natural history? or have you seen it at another theatre/imax in the area?


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Re: U2 3D
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2008, 10:54:00 am »
Caught it at the Museum of Natural History and yeah, it was literally redonkulous. The 3D is unreal.
 I thought the setlist was good.  Started pretty new-song heavy and then moved more classic-heavy.  Enough new stuff to place it in the time, but enough old stuff to give it a more timeless quality.
 Agree that the South American crowd was a highlight.
 Bono's schtick can seem lame outside the moment of a live show (I don't think footage of the Zoo Tv tour has aged well although its probably my favorite show ever) but I thought he and his message of 'coexist' came off well.  You can see that it has an effect - inspring the crowd . . . and you the viewer.